Hip not able to bend now : Hi I’ve got RA to you who... - NRAS


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Hip not able to bend now

12 Replies


I’ve got RA to you who don’t know .

I’ve tried lots of different potions to keep this dammed condition in remission

I changed Rhuematology a little while back . The Doctor I saw was a locum who told me he’d read ALL OF MY FILE !

Find that hard to believe

He examined me without X-rays

I couldn’t move my leg from a lying position raising up but on the letter he sent me he claimed to have seen me do this ?

I beg to differ

I told him my hip is agony , I can’t bend down or get on the floor squatting or on all fours

He said it’s wear and tear

Now had this been my last Rhuematology Dr she would have said it’s inflammation

I’m confused? X

Any advice gratefully received

I’ve requested my medical records from the hospital & Drs


12 Replies
sylvi profile image


Fruitandnutcase profile image

Do you think he confused you with another patient who could move their hip?

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I don’t know . The non informative letter that was sent via his secretary said I was taking D3 for my thyroid ?

Think that should have been T3 .

I had no inflammation from the bloods he ordered the urine dip stick said protein 2.5?

I know this is irrelevant to the question asked I got a little carried away 😕

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

Maybe you could go over his letter and do a copy of your own where you point out all the things he has got wrong and speak to your doctor about it. It is soul destroying isn’t it!

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Actually that’s a good idea . I’ll do that x

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Agree with F&N. I would reply to the consultant myself in a letter .. politely .. and say you feel there has been some mis-underatanding of your hip and other issues. If you feel you can't do this, then ask your GP to write on your behalf and it is unusual indeed for the consultant not to have sent you for a hip x-ray. Sounds tbh as though the secretary could have misheard the T3/D3 thing if he has dictated a letter to her. Just sounds like he doesn't know you and hasn't yet got the grasp of all that is happening with you. 😑 Good luck. X

pip12 profile image

Hi reiki master. Hasn’t anybody suggested having x rays on your hips. I have had loads of trouble with my hips and they have been xrayed a few times. It’s ended up with right hip replaced and waiting for left one to be done. Seems to me it’s the only way that they can see what is going on. Would certainly ask next time you go xx

in reply to pip12

The thought of having surgery terrifies me especially as I had a lovely neighbour who gave me a running commentary of her hip replacement 🤢

I’m terribly squeamish the sight of blood turns my stomach in raging summersaults

But I agree that he should have sent me for a X-ray instead he has ordered an eye test as my eyes are dry ? X

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

I wouldn’t worry about it. My husband struggled in ‘nothing wrong with my hip, it’s my knee’, ‘nothing wrong with my knee it’s my hip’. He was utterly ridiculous about it. That went in for years and years I was really fed up with him because although he had the pain my lifestyle was affected and I found it very, very difficult to watch him hobbling around.

Eventually he could barely walk he rocked about when he walked like one of those roly-poly things you get for budgies’ cages. Then we went away to Cornwall and the house we had rented was up a very steep hill from the high street - well walking back from the pub finished him off. We got back on a Sunday and by the Monday he had arranged to have his hip done.

He had it done on the NHS under a local anaesthetic with sedation. I was there when he was wheeled onto the ward and all he wanted was something to eat. No post anaesthetic sickness. The physio appeared on the ward minutes after he did and got him up and moving.

He could have got out the next day had he not been with the physio when the doctor did his ward round and didn’t return to see him again until it was almost closing time for the pharmacy. So next morning at the crack of day I collected him.

He did all the exercises - both before and after and he was back to work six weeks after his operation - pain free and able to move. He now says should he need his other hip done he wouldn’t put it off again. If you do need it done check out the bonesmart.org website. That’s where I got all my pre-op advice / information for him.

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Thank you for sharing your husbands experience

It’s not pleasant you would have thought the medics would put you out completely. X

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

No he wasn’t aware of anything. You have an epidural which numbs the area totally then some sort of anaesthetic that makes you sleep but isn’t a general. Much easier to recover from or is his case he woke up and was able to talk to everyone - it was just like he’d woken up from a nice sleep. I haven’t met or heard of anyone who has had it who hasn’t been glad they did.

pip12 profile image

You probably won’t need a hip replacement but definitely should have x rays. If you did, don’t worry, nobody was worse than me. I came on here in tears I was that scared when they told me I had to have mine replaced. It was far easier than I had ever thought and I certainly won’t be frightened going for the second one. It’s brilliant, no pain at all from the one that has been done. People reassured me on here to have it done and they where right. Don’t really know what you mean by blood, I never saw any blood whatsoever. Anyway good luck and I hope you are sorted soon, nothing worse than constant pain.

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