More mixed messages about paracetamol and Gabapentin!... - NRAS


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More mixed messages about paracetamol and Gabapentin!! Getting frustrated.

Jules13 profile image
37 Replies

I had breakfast with my cousin this morning, who is also a GP at the same practice where I was told on Tuesday to take Gabapentin instead of Amitriptyline.

My cousin asked me why I had been prescribed Gabapentin, so I recapped what happened last week. About my paracetamol over use (for 10+ years) and why the specialist nurse wanted me to cut down and finally stop, as it might be causing medication overuse headaches. I told her about the recent fibromyalgia diagnosis and poor sleep which is why I was prescribed Amitriptyline (which gave me horrible side effects) which was then changed to Gabapentin.

She completely disagreed with her colleague, the other GP at the practise, and said that I should not be taking Gabapentin at all. That because I had already shown such a great result with my RA, by getting the right drugs, by eating well, exercising and having a good balance with work and time off, that I was doing everything right. Which is also everything that works for fibromyalgia, without taking specific medication. That I definitely should wean myself off the paracetamol and then be pain medication free for 6 weeks and see how I feel.

She said that for her colleague to prescribe something for pain when my body wasn’t clean of the paracetamol yet was not right. She also said that Gabapentin is the most overprescribed drug in the UK and a dirty drug (meaning it becomes addictive at stronger levels). She said that GP's refer to patients addicted to Gabapentin as having the Gabas (nice).

I burst into tears and had to leave the café at this point. To be told something by one GP and then told something else by another GP (my cousin, who happens to be the senior doctor at the practice) only a few days later, made me feel like I just don’t know who to trust anymore.

So I’m going with my gut on this one. Stop the Gabapentin and wean myself off the paracetamol so I give my body time to breathe. Yes it might be painful but I’m doing everything else right so I have to give myself some credit. x

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Jules13 profile image
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37 Replies
Nessa28 profile image

Good for you . Take care rest up , thankfully you've not been on gabapentine for long so at least you can just stop . I must admit I didn't wean the gabapentine I just stopped I was on 900 mg 3 x a day for nearly 12 years but it was the best thing I did . Wish you well especially with the paracetamol . Let us know how you go xx

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toNessa28

Thanks nessa but you can understand my frustration. Two gps at the same practice, fundamentally disagreeing with treatment. You would think they’d be on the same page.

Nessa28 profile image
Nessa28 in reply toJules13

I do so understand , I am now so reluctant to take any further medication unless I absolutely have to . Wish you well xx

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toNessa28

I wouldn’t go from my woeful tale in reference to your own medication. I just think if you are told you’re doing so well, why mess with that and add another drug. I remember my initial reaction was.... why?

juneann profile image
juneann in reply toJules13

So why have you chosen to take the word of the second GP as correct, regardless of relationship? Gabapentin was the one drug that saved my sanity when suffering with a trapped nerve. It's a slow working drug but it does the job once it gets into your system. We'lll always listen to the best friend, family, most confident, most doesn't mean they're right. Experience is a great thing but sometimes new blood are less set in their ways and open to new ideas

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply tojuneann

Even though she’s my cousin she is the senior GP at the practice. I don’t see her as my primary GP because she’s family and it’s not encouraged. Plus she made sense to me. Why change what’s working by adding another drug?

In order for me to see what really works I need to start with a clean slate and wait until the paracetamol is out of my system first. She didn’t categorically say that I would never be given anything for pain.., she just wanted me to wait until the paracetamol was totally out of my system.

Peggy76 profile image
Peggy76 in reply toJules13

Why &how can one become addicted to paracetamol please x

barbieg profile image
barbieg in reply toNessa28

Can I but in and ask you if it’s safe to just stop the Gabapentin? I’ve been slowly reducing my dose as I’m desperate to stop it.

Nessa28 profile image
Nessa28 in reply tobarbieg

I have to say I just stopped but I'm a total control freak with OCD . The first time I stopped it was about 13 years ago when I eventually saw a orthopaedic consultant who basically told me that the back pelvis and hip pain was completely in my head , that the pain was nerve damage and would sort itself out . He told me to stop everything so I did within 6 weeks I couldn't get out of bed . My then fabulous doctor came on a home visit , went ballistic put me back on my tablets and steroids for a couple of weeks and I began to function again . He managed my care until I started loosing feelings in my legs . I then had the suspected lupus , ms and basically testing negatively for RA even though my gp thought it was . Forward a couple of years still taking the gabapentine I managed to twist my pelvis . I was sent to see a pains consultant and had a MRI I had managed to prolapse l5,4,3 and lS1 so he proceeded to do a lot of procedures such as facet joints burning nerves , loads of work . In the end he thought he maybe an infection in my spine so 6 months of antibiotics , forward 6 months later he refers me to rheumatologist and a year later I get a diagnosis of AS and RA I also test zero negative . I feel that I took so much medication that covered up what was going on . Yes it helped with the nerve pain but realistically I had 13 procedures I didn't need , antibiotic treatment I didn't need . My backside , lower back and thighs feel as though I've fallen in nettles and is sore when touched . I worked physically through lifting etc , as everything was being masked . I would never say what I did was right but I was so fed up with the toxins and the other contra indication from the medicine I stopped all but the solpadol and now the Humeria . I must say I'm maxed on the solpadol and do occasionally need to top up with codeine . I know my own body and will now do what's right for me and my quality of life . You will be fine whatever you choose to do . Remember you can always add a bit if you need to . Massive hugs 🤗

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply toNessa28

These vicious circles with meds upon meds are really scarry to read about and not infrequent :(

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toSimba1992

I know. Before you know it years have gone by. My mother is in a massive cycle of pain and medication. She broke her neck in a car accident 20 years ago and has suffered ever since. Pain medication and sleeping pills has got her through it but now she’s 77, I honestly think the medication has taken its toll on her memory and cognitive skills.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toNessa28

Yes I agree. I think you came off the Gabapentin really fast though. Even with paracetamol I was told to wean off over 6 weeks. So I think a high level prescription med might need longer.

I am going to be in a lot of pain clearing out my system. I know that. But I just need to really see where the pain is. I’m not stopping any of my RA meds I hasten to add x

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply tobarbieg

I’ve only been on it 3 days. You need to read my previous posts to see what happened last week.

Simba1992 profile image

I tend to agree partly with your cousine and partly with your consultant and in the end with you.

Good to keep away from meds if possible, they always have side effects. Gabap when used longterm is not a very good idea since getting off it can be very problematic. It is very effective in the beginning, especially.

I understood when talking to your GP you were a bit anxious leaving paracytamol and I believe she picked up on this. She could have informed you more about the risks.

In the end I believe you know best how much calming down you need. There are natural ways one can try as well.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toSimba1992

Natural ways? Please do tell. I already practise meditation and yoga and have good sleep habits but I just can’t shake the headache. Ever.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply toJules13

I think your liver is stressed by all the paracytamol eating. Supplements that help are NAC and vit.D. You can also detox your liver by mixing lemonjuice and olive oil and drink in the evening. Here is an idea.

If you need relaxing in the evening. Take hydrolate gelatin powder 1-11/2tsp stirred in warm milk ( not hot) in milk or if you don't drink milk in a substitute. I used to take rice milk.

Cyproheptadine a histamine is a stronger relaxer but is beneficial in many ways. Quite amazing actually.

Good luck.Simba

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toSimba1992

Interestingly I was prescribed vitamin d and folic avid as soon as I was put on methotrexate. And I don’t take lemon juice at night but I do take it with a glass in warm water with cider vinegar and turmeric in the morning. My liver blood tests always come back top notch so that’s good but I would rather do natural things that medication if I don’t absolutely need it.

Any ideas for prolonging my sleep? No matter what time I go to bed I always wake up at 6am. Bursting for the loo. I don’t drink anything after 6pm at night and go to the loo right before sleeping so just don’t know why I have such a full bladder. So annoying.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply toJules13

Don't have any ideas about the blatter but gelatine powder at bedtime really does help with good sleep. Even though blood test show ok results, doesn't mean that your liver could not be stressed. Symptoms more telling.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply toSimba1992

Also perhaps an idea to look into how longterm use of paracytamol infact does affect your biochemistry. What has been shown is that it raises level of seratonin. Typical symptom of this is headache.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply toJules13

Actually I do believe that your headache has much to do with a chemical imbalance. Where seratonin levels are raised.( see link below). If this is the case just by leaving paracytamol will eventually normalize the situation. It has also been shown that aspirin can help with to get down elevated seratonin levels caused by paracytamol.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toSimba1992

I will have a read. thank you.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toJules13

Does sleep help your headaches? When I used to get migraines it was the only remedy, though I used to take various things like Solpadeine as well, but they went away not upon cutting down on work but upon retiring! I know you can't and don't want to do that yet. Mine were related to neck pain. Headaches and migraine are two different things but I would think persistent headaches need investigating. Good luck, Jules.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toMaggieSylvie

I know. Sleeping seems to help everything. I just don’t get more than about 6 hours.

I went through every test imaginable to discover why I had such bad headaches. From eyes to osteo to mri’s to posture. Nothing came back weird. I have a constant headache that is at the front of my head. From temple to temple, headband sized. Every day. All day.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply toJules13

Have you ever had a lumbar puncture to measure your CSF pressure? It would exclude an idiopathic inter cranial hypertension. I'm racking my brains, not sure if it can be connected to bladder issues. I'll have to ask my friend.

Hessie5 profile image

Jules, I have learnt to become my own doctor half the time due to conflicting advice. I use my consultants and doctors as advisory roles and then my ultimate decision. I think what you are seeking to do make sense. All the best with it.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toHessie5

I agree. I know my lifestyle is good. That having a stress free life is the best medicine of all. And I think I’ve been so distressed and in pain this week because I’ve had three professionals tell me different things. So upsetting. It makes me not want to ask them anything.

medway-lady profile image

As a family member said 'Medicine is a science but its not an exact one' which probably means that no one doctor agrees with another ? I feel for you and have no idea what you should do except what feels right as in your gut feeling. No pun intended.

I've never taken either of these medications but remember your posts about Paracetamol so quess its going to be hard to wean off, do you have any thoughts about cutting down or just stopping?

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply tomedway-lady

I’m weaning off by simply cutting down every two weeks. I used to take 4x500mg a day, usually in the am and on and sometimes also at lunchtime. So the whole of last week and next week, I will take 3 a day. The next two weeks 2 a day. Etc.

I’ve already got a horrific headache but trying to keep stress free and drink lots of water. X

Nessa28 profile image
Nessa28 in reply toJules13

Really keep up the fluids ,💐

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toNessa28

Yup I drink 2 litres of water a day. So that’s all good x

Fra22-57 profile image

I think u are doing amazing. It is so hard to just go back a level with tablet if in pain. I don't know of any natural herbs etc but sure someone will I know when some have migraine they lay in dark room with vinegar soaked paper towel on head. I have cut down on Pregabalin with teeny bit each day til agony stopped .Steroid am on I tried stop one tablet one day which knocked me back months by afternoon so it's a battle.

Wish you well

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toFra22-57

Thank you. I’ve never heard of vinegar towel on the head. Will try anything even if I smell like a chip shop xx

Alexann profile image

Hi, I think it's right to come off all meds it seems gabapentin is the favourite at the moment at one time it was Naproxzen . I think sometimes GPs are too eager to just give out pills rather than trying the alternative.

Good luck with reducing everything I hope it all works out for you.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toAlexann

Naproxen is one of the ones I can’t take because of asthma but yes, I agree with you. There seem to be drugs of the moment.

AgedCrone profile image

Good idea Jules......just taking another drug never seems a good idea to me.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply toAgedCrone

I’m just going to do what I think is right. X

MaggieSylvie profile image

Yes, listen to your body; it usually has the right answers.

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