woken up to hands and wrists so stiff and sore, done the usual hot and cold, taken the codeine, cursed everyone and everything but nothing is working... i'm getting fed up now.. not convinced the mtx is even working, anyone found relief in increasing mtx to 25mg from 20mg? that's the next step according to my rheumy nurse, but i'm not convinced .. hope everyone is as pain free as can be
good? morning all: woken up to hands and wrists so... - NRAS
good? morning all

Think about it. Has also been shown that higher doses of mtx do not necessarily mean more efficacy. More tocicity yes.
How long have you been on MTX ? If you are not convinced MTX is helping you after the usual 3 months, maybe you should ask what your alternatives are ?
been on tablets for 10 months then changed to injections, my hands seem to be worse since the change, i will be speaking to my rheumy nurse later in the week so i'll wait with baited breath that she has an alternative..
If you look at the link I posted above. The reason for more symptoms when moved to injections may have to do with the fact that the stronger effect of the med actually showed that you did not tolerate the increase well(?) Perhaps you should have tried going down instead (?)
well my liver certainly protested for a few weeks.. but bloods are quite good now so i'll leave it to the experts to tell me where to go from here
I am the same just going from 15mg to 20mg don’t hold out much hope but apparently that’s the way to go up slowly at a time 😣
Yes mine is 12 months down the line to but I am 10 times better than I was back then 🤞