I got a bump on my thumb joint a few weeks ago. Not sure what it is. It will move. Kind of rubbery feeling.
Nodule or Cyst on thumb joint.: I got a bump on my... - NRAS
Nodule or Cyst on thumb joint.

It sounds like a nodule to me,but seeing as it is red i would get it checked out to be on the safe side.xxxx
Thanks. I have an appointment next week. It being red is what makes me unsure, I didn’t think RA nodules were red.
I had one on bk of my hand near knuckles and it was itchy and quite hard but it just disappeared had it before same place no idea what it is though
I've got one on the outside of my thumb joint just now, it's not red or swollen, moveable too if I push it.
Any idea what it is? I thought maybe an RA nodule, but didn’t think they were red.
Exackly the same as I have on my thumb! 10 days ago I experienced a huge burning red swelling all over my thumb I couldn't move it the pain was horrendous! 3 days later swelling went down but left me with the same, should I say bony disfigured look! I saw my Rhumey yesterday where she diagnosed me with RA for my other joints but says it's OA in the thumb, I also have it the same on a few of my other fingers. I showed it to my 21 and 31 year old daughters and they thought it was hideous and couldn't look at it, charming!!
It looks like an inflamed nodule. I have a huge lump on the back of my hand and its a ganglion. Had it about two years, my GP drained it in the summer and it came straight back. I am now booked with a hand surgeon to have it removed, it looks horrible and I keep catching it. X
I have a ganglion on my foot. It’s been there a couple years.
Does it catch your shoes, as can be annoying. Iv had many ganglions on hands, for some reason, always my left one, they come up and then go down, but not this one. It's not a priority so not sure when they will remove it. X
I had a ganglion cyst on my left wrist some years ago. There were times that it got painful especially when I went to bend my wrist. It eventually went away and returned a second time. After the second tie it went away again and it hasn’t returned a third time since it left the second time.
I wonder why we get them. Only had one that was painful the first one many years ago, before I got RD, very strange. X
They are painful because they’re connect to the tendons. My was on top of my left wrist and moved around from side to side. I’ve never had a ganglion cyst on either of my feet though. That’s an odd spot to have a cyst. I’m guessing it’s on top of your foot witch I know can be painful as well. I have enough issues with my feet I don’t need a cyst to suddenly appear there. I have arthritis in both of my feet now. That’s painful enough.
I haven't had any on my feet, jettsd has one. Like you have enough trouble with my feet. I've had triple foot fusions on both feet and other ops. I have a bone spur on top of my left foot but doesn't cause any problems thankfully. Ive had tendon ops on both hands and also new knuckles on my right hand. Take care. X
hi I've also got one on my thumb joint its very hard like bone amd very sore , I don't think mines a ganglion but something to do with cholesterol which im going to ask about at the docs tomorrow . Have you had yours checked ?