Hi all , i have sjogrens which caused , among other things , muscle and joint pain. My thumb has suddenly become very painful. It is swollen, hot and painful in the IP joint. Does this sound like secondary RA , i have swelling and stiffness in knuckles as well. Is ice the best thing to use to help with the pain. I don’t want to loose the grip in my right hand as i have so much to do coming up to Christmas ⛄️🎄⛄️🎄
Painful thumb : Hi all , i have sjogrens which... - NRAS
Painful thumb

I reposted with a photo , though im not sure if its clear 🙄 my right thumb is significantly bigger than my left due to the swelling.
Just sympathising, I do not have Sjorgrin’s.
But damage from RA can cause OA. Hope your thumb recovers enough to continue all you want to do.

Thanks , i have taken an anti inflammatory , which I usually avoid as upset my stomach, and it has helped a bit . I might have over did it as i was doing some baking , too much stirring 😀
Overdoing things causes this for me in all joints. Have you been to education classes on using your hands wisely? I have PsA which has caused severe OA as the inflammation from PsA has damaged my tendons in 6 digits. Cool pack and rest may help. If it doesn't get better see GP. Maybe hour?
Gout not hour BLOOMIN swollen fingers lol
Ha - ha... My message issues seem to come with autocorrect more than ever. I don't see what it changed to until after I send it. sheesh =)
Thanks scottie , the heat and redness has reduced but still swollen and painful. I have sjogrens not RA but have secondary swelling and joint pains so I haven’t been to classes. I am careful when hands are sore mainly because certain things cause like hoovering etc . The anti inflammatories did help but can’t take too many . I hope you are feeling good at the moment 😀
Not good at moment. Had a cold virus which has made my joints flare. Driving a real pain on the hands. I buy those cheap one size gloves with grips on the palms. Help grip the steeri g wheel without too much pressure on joints.
Im sorry to hear that . Are you on any treatment? When i change my car next im going to get an automatic as my left hip is painful as well . My husbands car has a heated steering wheel which would be lovely! Keep warm as very cold and i hope you pick up soon , best wishes ⛄️⛄️
I had thought of gout but didn’t think it would kick off in thumb joint?
I had that problem a few years back and it was extremely painful. It turned out to be gout, my GP sent me for blood tests for uric acid in my blood and it was high. I was told that gout could be in any joint, not just the feet. I now have to take a tablet to prevent it every day.

Thanks holly , i had cbc checked Tuesday as my wbc has low , would it give any indication of gout?
I don't think that would be anything to do with it weathervane. It is if your uric acid is high that shows you have gout.
Thanks holly, i will keep an eye on it , i read that it can last a few weeks so i will leave it a fewmore days before I contact a doctor if not settled 😀
Yes I thought of gout too. My late dad had gout and it always started in his big toes but I think it can start in thumbs too. It is very painful, red and swollen I know. A GP would recognise it though and test your uric acid.
I had a bad pain episode in one thumb and a finger for a while and asked for uric acid to be tested and it was high. But GP said not gout more likely to be osteoarthritis nodules in my case- not sure why? Never had it tested again but often wondered although I haven’t had a flare in my knuckles or finger joints since being on max dose of Mycophenolate.
If it’s gout you are supposed to avoid foods rich in purines my GP said - including nuts, anchovy, turkey and alcohol. Could make Christmas dinner a bit joyless?!
I found a thumb splint from local disability store helped a lot when I had to do stuff with inflamed thumb. Total rest is of course best, but it worked for me as a compromise.
Thanks for reply Twitchytoes 😀 it has eased a bit today and stopped burning. My diet is not bad , i take no alcohol , rarely have red meat and only occasional have cheese . Christmas will be more of a struggle ! I will go to the gp if it lasts much longer . By the way , i just read your post and you should chat to ot about seat in shower and a perching stool for kitchen, maybe of help xx
Yep I’d ask the doctor if it carries on. You may need OT input on handcare like I had or even a gout med? RA seems less likely as you’re on Rituximab and Hydroxy (did you get back on it?) but they should do ultrasound and X-ray to check it’s non erosive I would think. Methotrexate may be more effective than Hydroxy?
I forgot to say that I had inflammatory OA in thumb that my rheumy mistook for RA - looked like very yours. When studied using ultrasound there was no synovial inflammation.
The shower is downstairs and I love the heat I get from the bath - it’s the only thing that warms my bones and is small with handles and hand rail. So far I have been fine getting in and out as long as I can sit down immediately after. Perching stool would be great but unfortunately it’s a tiny galley kitchen so no space really? And no room for legs as all taken up by storage and white goods. I can’t be bothered cooking much tbh as my relationship with food has altered a lot. Left to my own devices I’d probably lose loads of weight living on gluten free pasta with pesto or cornflakes and bananas with Koko milk and endless mugs of redbush tea!

Thats a point about the rituximab I hadn’t thought of that . Im not back on the hydroxy yet , still getting bloods checked every couple of weeks . It maybe worth discussing alternatives for home with the ot as might have other ideas ⛄️🎄
I had really painful swollen thumb it was throbbing so bad. GP said it was de quervains syndrome so I got a steroid jab in the base of my thumb. Worked pretty good for a while. M x
Thanks elf , i hope you get a diagnosis soon ⛄️
Hi there ! I haven’t seen a doctor yet , it is still a bit tender snd swollen but much better than it was . I googled and apparently it can be very painful for 24-48 hrs and the settle down for a few weeks . I might phone the the gp as i have to speak to him re blood results and see what he thinks , it my right hand which is the problem ☹️ Have you ever had gout?