I'm still working on getting a proper understanding of what this Book of the Week is all about. I keep setting it going, and drifting off to sleep.
However, today I was awake enough to listen (with quite a good level of attention) to episode 4, which starts off talking about rheumatoid arthritis and the introduction of biologics, and how patients on the clinical trials reported very healthy boosts in their mood as a side effect. It moves on to saying how levels of CRP (C-Reactive Protein) are linked to depression and discusses whether depression affects CRP levels or vice versa.
I found it interesting, and intend to keep listening to all the episodes, until I finally "get it".
A long long time ago, when I was very much younger, my dad suffered from very serious depression, and was bed bound for long periods, He ended up having Electro Convulsive Therapy ( ECT ) at the local mental hospital, which I think did help somewhat. I've also suffered minor depression in my time, but as the program says, 1 in 7 are likely to do so, so 'tis to be expected perhaps.
Anyways, you might find Episode 4 interesting.
I hope this link works. Please let me know if it doesn't. Cheers