Hi folks I have been suffering like a sharp pain under right rib going round to the back . I have had bloods all tested and had ultra sound all clear , gone to the a&e 4 times could not find a thing wrong . It’s still there . It’s making me miserable and depressed . Don’t know what my next move will be . Any suggestions please would be very helpful .
Right rib pain : Hi folks I have been suffering like a... - NRAS
Right rib pain

Have any of the medics considered Costochondritis? It is an inflammation in the rib area ( not uncommon in RA sufferers) and can be very painful! I was suffering badly and just by chance was put on steroids ( Prednisolone) for my inflammation of hands which I believe helped to reduce that inflammation too in the ribs and overtime went! I had it a second time ( not nearly as painful) and was seeing a physio at the time and he managed to find a few of the muscles that were inflamed and worked his magic. I also took anti inflammatory meds and it went. The pain can remain for many weeks! Hope you get to the bottom of your pain soon.
Hello I have been having similar pain under breast bone going around into my back. GP checked my chest and I had a breath test which was in the normal range. I had rheumy appointment last week and I mentioned it to him and he confirmed that it could be all linked to RA. He has upped my methotrexate to 20mg and increased my steroids which seems to be doing the trick. I hope the pain settles soon I really do empathise. My worry now is the side effects of the increased methotrexate I am on tablets and tolerated 15mg hope I can do the same with the extra !
Definitely sounds like it could be costochondritis. Ask your Rheumatologist for some help, mine instantly knew what it was and was able to do some acupuncture etc. It is extremely painful I've had several flare-ups of it but now that I know what it is I can manage it better. I find wearing a supportive vest helps just don't wear a tight one, I buy the ones those control ones just in two sizes bigger. Regular pain relief and relaxtion (although it can be very hard to find a comfortable position with costochondritis). See if you can get a course of hydrotherapy once the pain settles a bit and do some gentle stretching movement in the water. Hope this helps x
I'm sorry you're still having trouble. Did our replies the other day not help? I hope you managed to see your GP.
Can I ask, do you have RD (RA), PsA or any other autoimmune disease? It's just with you not answering any of the replies on your other post I'm not sure what you have & that could make a difference in how we may be able to help. You see not being medically qualified here we may be suggesting things that may not be relevant at all & given you already have bad anxiety regarding your health we could be raising your hopes after all the other investigations you've had have revealed nothing.
Please let us know which, if any, autoimmune disease or condition you have, thanks.
I too had this problem and it was diagnosed as costochondritis and I was told it would go in time normally about 3 months - Dr was right it slowly reduced in intensity and the affected area reduced and after 3 months it went. I am on 20mg MTX, Sulpasalazine and hydroxychloroquine for my RA and Steroid's for my GCA - even with this lot it still took time but rest assured it does go. I found you need to be very careful lifting and turning and taking deep breaths also laying down - Ouch!
My daughter has schlerosis with her RA. She has had rib pain and back pain with this. She actually has anklosying spondylitis with schlerosis of the back. She takes Humira. I think an X-ray would help identify whether you have this or not.
It might be a herniated disc (bulging), so it is worth asking for it to be checked out.