Started taking 4 mgs Baricitinib daily for 13 weeks and have gained 10 kilos in this time. From 57 - 67 kilos. Am 5’8”. Life style unchanged. Has anyone had this with biological therapy ?
Biologics ie Baricitinib and weight gain: Started... - NRAS
Biologics ie Baricitinib and weight gain

Hi lovely yes been on baricitinib for allmost a year and have put on alot of weight not happy with that .but swings and roundabouts ??hugs xxkathyxx
Thanks for your reply Keeta - I’ve just found this link - after lots digging this afternoon - as pretty concerned now.
Thanx lovely i.ll look at that hugs xx
All isaw when i went to the site all isaw was adverts for health care.xx
Hi Sylvi, sorry to hear - try googling - The Seated Few by Lene Anderson, Weight Gain and Biologics, Jan 2016 , as another access into web site. Lene Anderson has created a Blog connected to
Hi again Sylvi - I’ve just been on - TNF inhibitors cause Weight Gain and Fat Increase , look for Dr. Irwin Lim’s Blog - sorry my mistake, but Lene Anderson comments on it.
Apologies , I’ve just linked into and look for Dr. Irwin Lim - his Blog - and answering people’s questions and those commenting on their weight gain. Lene Anderson comments.
Something not quite right there then. My OH has no wt gain on Baricitinib, but he does seem to have a stable wt regardless. Maybe your individual response? Are you due an update or can you contact the Rheum helpline?

Thanks for your reply Norisa, pleased OH no weight gain on Baricitinib, yes, shall ring Helpline tomorrow as pretty concerned xx
Sounds like a plan as it seems a lot to put on in only 3 months. Worth checking.

Hi , just rang Rheumy Helpline , nurse going to ring back end of week, after speaking to Con re weight gain, shingles and going back on Sulfalasazine together with Leflunomide.
Good. Glad you phoned. I know weight gain is a possible complication, reading the leaflet, but nobody says how much in any period of time. Always best to ask I reckon.
Hi yes and funnily enough about exactly same as you: 57-67kg in 3 months on benepali not baricitinib tho’ ( i’ve read somewhere tnf inhibitors can cause weight gain?) I’m 5’6 and dread getting on scales. Do keep fit: swim, walk etc, eating lot less meat: thought I would’ve lost some but no 😱x

Thanks for your reply Karena, so concerned found this link this afternoon =
Feel you’ll find it very interesting . Yes, too, upped my exercise and eating less after 4 pm, nothing lossed xx
Cheers Weymouth, link not going through but might do same as you. Read about intermittent fasting, nothing after 8 pm or before 12 noon next day bar black tea/coffee; bit like 5:2 diet which is hard to keep up. I was always slim before this, quite depressing 🙁 x

Sorry to hear link not going through, try - on it’s own or - The Seated Few by Lene Anderson. Weight gain and biologics Jan 2016. - to access this link. Lene Anderson has created a Blog linked to together with a doctor whom has been answering questions to those gaining weight on biologics. Hope this helps xx

Hi again Kerena - are you still taking Benepali ?
Found it Weymouth, cheers👍Yes am still taking it; great at first (might be because of few side effects compared to MTX) but lately starting to feel more tired,achey on it, though did have cold so might be this? It’s so difficult trying to pin anything down with RD:is it drugs, disease itself? Who knows x

So pleased you’ve found it , yes, difficult to pin down , plus not everyone experiences weight gain on biologics.
No weight gain after being on baricitinib for 4 months or so. That said, I'm only taking 2mg instead of the usual 4mg.
Thanks for your reply Wishbone, might start cutting mine in half... or take one 4 mgs every other day with Leflunomide every day...
Think I should have made myself more clear...I was prescribed 2mg instead of 4mg most people take. Probably best to have a word with your rheumy before reducing your dose.
Thanks Wishbone, it’s ok, I realise ; I just could eat lots before - now concerned and displeased. Rethinking things over ; I’d prefer to come off Baricitinib altogether, especially with having shingles this past week. ( yes, RA Con told me to temporarily stop Baricitinib, until shingles gone - regret not asking about weight gain then, but only focused on ineffectiveness of Baricitinib and and shingles ).
Seeing him in 3 months, but too long to wait, so ringing Rheumy Helpline tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about the shingles. Hope you get sorted soon.
Although 2mg of baricitinib is undoubtedly helping with my pain and stiffness, I think I could really do with 4mg to get on top of things proper. I don't want to push my luck with regards to side effects though, so will carry on as is for the time being.
take care
Thanks , shingles all cleared - I’m prone to it - just rang Rheumy Helpline , nurse ringing back end of week after speaking to Con re weight gain, shingles and going back on Sulfalasazine together with Leflunomide.
Hi Weymouth
I have really struggled with my weight since being on biologics, it doesn’t matter what I do I keep putting it on. Not good for my mental health at all. I’ve gone from a size 10 to a 16 going on 18 now. 😢
Hi , have you talked to your Rheumy Con about this ?
No he tends to dismiss anything I say and just tells me it’s a trade off. However, I am seeing him this afternoon so might mention it. I did tell my GP once as it’s really getting me down but she said that I will lose it when I’m better - not sure how that one works but then again she told me to take paracetamol and I would be fine. 🙄
Please please tell him how depressed it’s made you since taking it - on getting home I really really regretted mentioning the gain in weight.
These links should work - it was really interesting and I like the guy's honesty - that he doesn't know why they can cause weight gain:
Funny thing for me on Humira nothing happened on Enbrel I got instant relief but lost 23 pounds after 6 months. My Rheumatologist took me off it to see what happened. Of course my insurance changed after that I gained it all back and my pain went from 7 to 9 on a 10 scale. I see my knee Rheumatologist Friday I want to go back in n the Enbrel. I see a lot of people gaining weight on biologics a few lose weight. Good luck