Hi everyone. I wondered if anyone else on mtrxate has had weight gain? I have put on approx 12lbs in 12 months, and no matter how hard i try, I just cannot lose it. I'm only taking mtrx, not combined with anything else.
Methotrexate and weight gain: Hi everyone. I wondered... - NRAS
Methotrexate and weight gain

I gained a lot of weight but also took a lot of steroids and due to the pain was not exercising or moving around too much!! Hope you feel better soon Axxx
I don't think methotrexate makes you gain weight. However, you may be less active than you were? I gained about the same on steroids, but lost it when I stopped. Also, joint injections seem to increase fat around tummy! I'm not sure of the science, but I have heard that.
If you are of a certain age, you will gather some additional weight too, unless you are prepared to really work hard exercise wise not to? And eat healthy most ofthevtime.
You could consider having your thyroid function checked, as many people with RA also have thyroid dysfunction, and this slows your metabolism >weight gain.
Best wishes, Gina.
Goodness I hope not! I'm just about to go on it; I've lost over a stone in the last few months so don't want to put it back on!!
I know how you are feeling! I was diagnosed with RA last Sept and have probably put on around a stone in weight....especially around my middle and face but I've been told this is mostly down to the steroids ( evil things!!).
I was diagnosed just over a year ago and yes ........ I have put on weight. I can't specify which medication has caused it as I'm on methx, steroids, Sulphazalazine and Hydrochloroxine (however your spell them). Can't exercise so well either because of the pain. Viscious circle really. Don't get any symjpathy from the GP either. I just get told I need to cut down food and exercise. I've cut out cheese, crisps, sweets, biscuits, alcohol all to no avail. I go walking a lot as well. No win situation for me I'm afraid.
I take MTX and not noticed it causes my weight gain. My weight sky rocketed after a hysterectomy and then RA slowed me down so put more on. But have joined Weight Watchers a year ago and lost over a stone. I also exercise very often and can do long walks, so am lucky in that I'm pretty mobile. I think as others have said, with RA you aren't as active so you have to watch your weight more. Some days I can do absolutely nothing! Also, I'm retired now so that doesnt help with weight loss.
Check your diet, try to move around as much as you can, and hope you can get rid of the weight soon.
When I stopped with mext lost 1 stone and yes I think you gain weight.
Hi Shoebox !!
i have been on mtx for over six years along with other drugs andhave put on prob about stone halp during that time. I findit rreally hard to lose it - i try doing slimming world but only last couple of days as start to feellike i am going to throw up in the street due to the drugs ! also we cant do as much - i used to do hard aerobic classes two or three times a week and not cannot do any of it -i try to swim and do pilates and other gently things but it doesnt burn off as many calories - however i think as least i can get around to walk my beloved dog and try and do things so perhaps things are not to bad - if a little rotund !
By the way love your name - Are you Imelda Marcos in disgiuse ! ! !xxxxx