I was diagnosed with RA two years ago after being diagnosed with a "catchall" inflammatory arthritis for even more years back. I've been taking Enbrel Sure Click shots for about 11 months now and have had the obligatory red and issue site reactions that have gone away shortly after I give myself a shot. In the past 3 months I've had an odd reaction happen that my Rheumy can't explain. I've developed constant large red spots (light red like a rash) on the sides of my thighs on both legs...directly perpendicular from where I give myself a shot each week on the front of my thigh....it just doesn't go away, and the majority of the time...it doesn't itch. I've been rotating back and forth between left and right thighs when giving myself a shot (as directed). I'm currently on Sulfazalazine, Methotrexate, Hydrochloroquine, etc., etc..most of which I've been on for over two years, so those medications are not to blame. Has anyone else experienced this side effect? And if so, what did your Rheumy have to say about it?