Has anyone had red flushing on the face after doing there Enbrel jab only I notice this morning that my face is red and warm.
Red face after Enbrel: Has anyone had red flushing on... - NRAS
Red face after Enbrel

Hi Julie I have been on Enbrel for two years now and have had no side effects whatsoever but drugs always affect people differently, I would call your Rhuematology team and let them know.
I have this redness mainly on my cheeks. It looks like slapped face. I’m on Benepali and keep meaning to mention it to rheumy but have terrible brain fog and never remember lol.
Thank you for replying....Does this happen to you every week when you do your jab? Mine is the same just on my cheeks but it doesn’t do this every time I do my jab so not sure if it’s to do with it or not.
It happens most weeks but not every week
I am going to keep a diary of when it happens and mention it to my rheumatologist next time.. how long does it last on your face and do you do anything to help? It’s not painful but I do find it irritating like sunburn.