Pip : Hi all I’ve just received my pip form and I just... - NRAS


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Nuttyshirlz profile image
31 Replies

Hi all

I’ve just received my pip form and I just want to ask everyone

It’s my first time applying so should I try fill it in myself or should I contact Dial or Cab to help me fill it in.

I think I can do it. But I no a lot of you have done it before.

Sorry if it’s sounding like a daft question.



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Nuttyshirlz profile image
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31 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

Oh ey! Not a daft question, quite an important one Shirlz really because you need to answer the questions how the DWP need to know. So, you could do as you've already thought & ask the help of DIAL or CAB, or you could order or download the NRAS leaflet, many find that helpful nras.org.uk/publications/ho....

I did mine with my h, filled it in over two days which was a feat in itself, but best to take your time over it & use the additional notes pages for expanding on your answers. Whilst waiting for my form, which took months, he compiled a list of all the things he thought might go some way to helping & admit it did help, there were quite a few things I wouldn't have thought of, things I could but more more importantly couldn't do so easily any more. I didn't involve anyone until I requested Mandatory Reconsideration.

Thinking ahead, don't forget to take a copy of the form plus of any medical info & supporting info you're including. Also best to return it Signed For or Tracked (check which is better, can't recall which is cheapest) as long as you have evidence of posting it.

All the best & if you're stumped on anything Benefits & Work website is helpful & it goes without saying we'll help too where we can. All the best.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks Hun

I will take your advice I have made a list of things but I’ve couple of weeks to complete it . I think will ring dial tomorrow and get there help too.

But will also look at Nras download too.

Thanks again for reply 🙂

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Nuttyshirlz

You're welcome. One other thing I forgot, keep in mind on those questions with the descriptor We want to know if you can do this safely, to an acceptable standard, as often as you need to & in a reasonable time, that you answer accordingly. This is important when you have your face to face, to get across why you answered any questions in the way you did, particularly any regarding mobility if you have issues walking. The 20m rule has really caused a lot of possibly entitled people to be unfairly marked down so if it applies to you do answer according to the descriptor.

Thanks for your good wishes for my renewal assessment by the way!

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to nomoreheels

Yes I have mobility problems and to 2 walking sticks to help me with my walking but I will Answer all my questions according x

norwegianjock profile image
norwegianjock in reply to nomoreheels

Cab and photocopy everything for your records.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to norwegianjock

Not sure if this was reply was meant for me norwegianjock or if you mean by cab asking them for help? I mentioned that & also photocopying everything. 🤔😊

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to norwegianjock

Thanks mine is shut for revamp and it’s moving to new place 🙂

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Thanks ajay

I’m thinking I might give a go myself. But if get stuck then go to Dial can’t go to Cab ours is getting a revamp closed till 1st may my form got to be back 3rd.

I’m taking note of all tips x

Nuttyshirlz profile image

I’ve done that self test and it says I should get it but it was my op therapist who told me to apply for pip. I’m going to write every down before hand to make sure it looks right lol 🙂

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Yes she’s brilliant.yes it will be waiting game thanks for your help 🙂

CAB online on pip was really good and especially NRAS booklet on it. I would say how long it took you to fill in too, took me 2 weeks, sustained handwriting is difficult. Stress what you can't do any more and emotional effects: i found it quite upsetting writing it all down when first diagnosed: we're all stoics and make light of it but it's a massive life change when you stop and think about it. Really good luck Shirlz, stressful but worth it x

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to

Yes I no what we live with day by day and joke about it but I guess seeing it wrote down will make u realise it’s you your talking about. I also have problems with my fingers and wrists so probably will take me sometime too.

Thanks kerena 🙂

CAROLINE23RED profile image

I did mine myself. Actually I really rushed it as my wrists (and other joints) were really bad at the time and I wanted to get it over and done with. I was angry and miserable at the time which I thinked helped in a sad way!

Originally I thought it was only the mobility part that affected me but at the time when I thought about it there are many other things that are difficult eg getting in/out of bath, wiping after using toilet, opening tins and general difficulty in the kitchen preparing/cooking, weight of pans, lifting kettle, dressing/undressing, styling hair (or not, in my case at times!) etc

In the end I was awarded for mobility but also for non mobility too.

I was struggling at the time and also at the face to face meeting. In fact I cried when she asked me some questions as I realised how this disease has affected my life and I’m not a crier usually, just felt so down.

So my advice is if you feel able completing the form yourself doesn’t meant you won’t get be awarded the benefit, but take advice from people on here, think how the disease affects you every day good and very bad days.

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.


Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to CAROLINE23RED

Thanks Caroline

Yes that’s part of reason I was thinking about help but I do also like to try my self.

I guess it would make us realise us how much this has taking over our life’s 🙂

Suem1960 profile image

Hi Shirlz,

You should definitely go on the Benefits and work site as they have the most up to date advice, also don’t be surprised if they turn you down and you have to appeal the decision that often happens.

Always use the facts of how you are on your worst day.

Good luck Sue M 🙂

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Suem1960

Thanks sue

I will do. But also thought I’d ask you “s since I have read a lot are and struggling to get it.

Disabled ppl have to fight for everything.

Thanks for your reply


Mall profile image

Keep a detailed diary for a few days outlining all the assistance, aids you need for everything you do, e.g. getting out of bed, preparing eating breakfast, getting dressed, bathing going to the toilet getting off a chair, covering every meal and any other activity. There are examples and pro formats you can use. This will make sure that you don't miss anything out. You can also include it as evidence.

Also it is really important to get letters from your physiotherapist even your consultant if you see them before your assessment, or copies of letters from consultant to GP, occupational therapist etc. If you have had any falls resulting in broken bones get an report from the hospital who treated the break. The assessment companies tend to avoid paying for reports from consultants and the like, so don't bother obtaining them.

If you have any other health problems and take drugs for other conditions include these on the form too. I was discouraged by a welfare rights adviser but included details of high blood pressure, tinnitus, bladder problems etc and it all helped when it came to adding up my points.

I kept notes for each section of the form on my laptop and a list of aids which I kept adding too over a Couple of weeks before I started to fill in the actual form.

I downloaded information advice from the NRAS web site and paid to join the benefits and work organisation so that I could download there booklets and pro formas. It was worth while.

Make sure you have some one with you when you eventually see the assessor as a witness and for support.

Good luck.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Mall

Thanks mall i have been doing a diary for about a week has I knew form was on its way.

I’ve got all my letters I never tossed any out from my first appointment. My occupational therapist is the one who told me to apply and she said she would do me a letter to back up my claim.

Thanks for your advice


Mall profile image

Benefitsandwork.co.uk. Is the website and organisation which is most up to date and thorough. There is some information that is free but there full booklets require you to subscribe. Full annual membership is £20 but usually they have an offer so you can join for around £16.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Mall

Ok thanks x

karenpenn profile image

Hi Nuttyshirlz I filled my in myself but I did have help from a family member that has done this before and very good. So if you know someone with experience with this do it.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to karenpenn

No not now I don’t has no longer with me.

Thanks anyway Karen


Ern007 profile image

Hi Nuttyshirlz. I get DLA that is because of my age, the criteria is the same for PIP.

I would go it alone - get advice certainly but you will probably get a face to Face with ATOS, who are not the monsters they used to be.

The thing you have to remember is, it is not what you have got, it's the way it affects your daily life...

For example if you are in a lot of pain and also say have Angina or COPD, you need to say who you can't prepare and cook a meal for one. Why you need help washing and or bathing.. Help with toilet need, that can be simple a grab rail or even the use of a wall to get you up...

Then we come to being able to dress yourself and the time it take, or an the help you need.

You need to prove your conditions and a list of medications, and also the DWP may contact your GP - You need to know if your GP will back you.

It boils down to a simple matter You can have cancer, but if you can mange, you will get nothing, it's how your illnesses affect you and don't forget medications and how side effects affect you.

For instance if you are prone to being dizzy, you can hardly be expected to use a stove and that would count to help with bathing,

Don't let me put you of getting help from CA or WR - But I would rather look at advice online and take care filling in my form.

Good luck whatever you decide

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to Ern007

I was on DLA Ern and was shifted to PIP. It is very different and needs a lot more fore thought. Many folk are refused first time round. The criteria and points awarded for eligibility is very different with PIP. The private companies that complete PIP assessments are under pressure to reduce the number of claimants. It's a different world to DLA. You are very fortunate in that you are not being transferred to PIP.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Mall

I am over 65 Mall and that makes you not eligible for PIP...

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Ern007

Thanks ern

I’ve started to fill it myself

Since I figured only I no me not total stranger.

I’ve two choices yes or no lol

Yeah I’ve good doctors who back me up

Thanks for reply


BoneyC profile image

Only ever used the Benefits and Work website, their guides are the best and always had successful outcome.

Ruth12345 profile image

Hi. I usually read other peoples replies but there are 32 of them so expect you have all the info you need, however what I did was...... i answered the questions in draft first and took a few days to complete, left it for 24 hours then adjusted as necessary, then wrote it on the form. I looked up the disability act on line and used the same language on my form. I kept a copy of form incase i needed it in future. Its a long process. Fortunately I was awarded both elements. Good luck. Let us know how you get o

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Ruth12345

Yes that’s my plan at min I’ve just done my pills list etc but main bits I will write in my note book sleep on it then I will reread it.

As it may not make sense my brain goes different speed to my hand nowadays lol

Thanks Ruth


Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

I know exactly what you mean. Plan a treat for the day you post it as then the waiting can be challenging. Its like taking an exam, before you take it you have some control but once its over its in someone elses hands. All the best.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Ruth12345

Thanks Ruth x

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