Have had tinnitus for 2 months now in one ear. Was a low hum but lately the noise level has increased and its reducing my length of sleep. Any tips out there ? Am trying white noise to be played at bedtime but does it take time before it helps ?
Tinnitus help please: Have had tinnitus for 2 months... - NRAS
Tinnitus help please

I was having this problem and told my rheumatologist, he suspected one of my medications, Sulfasalazine. When I went off the tinnitus improved right away.
Thanks jet for ure reply. Originaly I was on methetrexate for over a year but had to come off and went on Sulfa After 2 months I reduced the dosage to 2 a day as I was struggling with it and the arthritic pain is ok so I could come off sulfa but running out of medication to choose. Lol. It's only in one ear !! Thinking of buying a tinnitus sound machine but not sure that will help if indeed it's caused by the Sulla Ime on now ? 👍
Mine was only 1 ear also. My rheumatologist took me off the Sulfa when it told him of the tinnitus which got increasingly worse. I think it may be a symptom of a bigger problem with the medication, I’m not sure.
Unfortunately Sulfa was my last oral medication, I have gone through all of them. I am now doing Actemra infusions (4th biologic).
Jet so sorry to hear that. Before you came off Sulla did you try a tinnitus sound machine ? I imagine you did though. I tell u what helped me in the last 3 months Ime eating fruit with my cornflakes and I mean lots. I put raspberry on plus black currants with grapes and pineapple crush and no longer put sugar on. Also have cut right back on my sweet tooth and can say my athritus has improved by 60 % so try eating raspberries. Before I d
Ate them I cud the sleep on my left side but I can now ! Although it can be sore if it's through the night. Ok hope things imps
Rove for you 👍
Thanks piper. I will try the berries. Unfortunately, I am having problems with mouth ulcers right now and every time I eat fruit it is awful.
Oh dear not good. What I do think is we must stay positive. Easy to say but not easy to stay posotive though
I've had tinnitus for a number of years. It began a few years after I started methotrexate. It does seem to have eased off since I stopped methotrexate a couple of years back, but it's difficult to be sure as it was never particularly bad so perhaps I've got used to it over time and don't notice it as much. Could be that the disease itself is the cause as there's so many uncertainties involved with both the disease and meds that it's difficult to say exactly what's causing what much of the time.
Wishbone yes I see what u mean it may have nothing to do with my medication at all however Ime seeing my consultant soon so shall talk about my options. Glad to hear you no longer needed methotrexate or did u have to change to another Medicare
Toon ? Either way thank you for your input much appreciated
It's a long story, but I had to stop taking methotrexate. Currently taking hydroxychloroquine, but it's not very effective so I'm hoping to start a new med - baricitinib soon.
Hope you get some help with your tinnitus as it seems worse than what I had.
Ok. I take hydroxy as well as Sulla. Think it's more of a secondary help. Do u take folic acid once a week too ?
Nope, used to take it once a week but it was stopped the same time as the methotrexate was.
Gotcha. A woman I know has injection where the pain is and she seems fine now but can only take the injection 3 times a year. Not sure what the injection is though. Might b a steroid
Yes, it could be steroids. I've had a few steroid jabs over the years for a really bad flare and they did help a lot, but the relief only lasted a couple of weeks. That said, I'm sure I read somewhere that there's different mixes of steroid jabs available and a some last longer than others...don't quote me on that though. Apparently they don't work for everyone.
You get used to it after a time,i have had it for nearly 23yrs. I do have a hearing aid to mask the noise. Put music on to mask the noise. Hugs.xxxx
Yes music helps. Will be buying a tinnitus sound machine on Amazon so helping that will help me sleeping. It's worse at night n before I had it I loved going to bed but now never much go till midnight lol. Have to say Sylvia you are so positive but it must be difficult with so much going on. Just wish I had a magic wand to help you and all the other people on here x
google Medical medium tinnitus
I’m also having same problem.
I’m seeing rheumy doc in few weeks. When I email my nurse she said to mention it. Has she wasn’t sure which pills are causing it. I’m on mxt and sulfz plus two blood pressure pills. I’ve being having it ages.
I even bought an ear flusher thinking it was my ears lol 😳
On the leaflets for met AND sulk can cause ear ringing. My volume goes up n down which is annoying. Going to buy a tinnitus sound machine on Amazon. Hope that will help. Good luck wen u see the consultant. Yes I had my ear stringed hoping it was ear wax but sadly not Grrrrrr lol
Lol I bought my stringer off amazon too. Thanks hopefully this consultant lasts longer than last two lol. I did read up all side affects too 🙂
Think we mean a syringe but u knew that lol. I spelt it wrong. Ure best to go to the docs n get the nurse to syringe as she told me the ones you buy are rubbish n u can cause even more damage. Didn't know u cud take both medications for athritus at the same time. Don't think lie ask for more as it takes ages to do my weekly pill box as it is lol
I've been living with severe tinnitus in both ears for forty odd years now. Neither MTX nor Sulfasalazine made any difference either way. I hope it'll only be a passing annoyance for you. All the best.
Ive had it for a number if years. Nothing masks it in my left ear. I was sent on an information session about 3 years ago at the hospital. It helped as I now understand the mechanics of it and do some cognative exercises which sometimes helps. I really relaxed more about it after the info session and I highly recommend it if you have access to a course. It was run by the consultant audiologist at the hospital. All the best
Hi I've had it for a few years now I use brown noise and it helps me to sleep. I got my Dr to send me to audiologist and they have fitted me with an hearing aide that I wear all day it is set to block out the noise of the Tinnitus.
Have heard of white noise but not brown ! Well hope it does the trick for you man 👍
Hi peterpiper . I use this app (Starkey Relax) it has different sounds on it, and I just put my phone under the pillow and I find it help's me sleep.
Hi Peterpiper1966. I've had tinnitus for years which severely limits being able to join conversations especially if there's lots of background noise. It's quite isolating until you learn to ignore it. I saw a grumpy audiologist who said I had some hearing loss and said I could try hearing aids but held out no hope of them improving things. They didn't. I have noticed an increased volume of the tinnitus since being on MTX so will report that to rheumatology and pursue more help from GP. I hope you find a solution very soon
Thank you. My word its a real problem for you. I was on methotrexate and was fine for 18 months bet then I had to come off due to breathing problems and now on Sulla but the notes on both can cause tinnitus !! As for ure athritus it's helped me by 60 percent by cutting out all sweet sugary things and eating fruit. When I have cornflakes I put raspberries ans other fruit with the cereal. Love the taste and took about three months before I felt the difference but far better now. Also had an asthma test n now take asthma twice a day n that's helping to but I do miss my chocolate lol anyway hope u get things sorted soon 👍
Hello there ive read your post I was wondering if youve recently had an ear infection or a head cold that may have triggered the tinnitus?? I also suffer with it in both ears but i have been diagnosed with Meniers disease and also a rare condition where i have a hole in each ear Have you seen your gp regarding this as you may need referring to ENT ? I look foward to your reply Clare
10mg of Pred and above gives me Tinnitus.
I started to get tinnitus on Hydroxychloroquine . It got a bit better when I stopped , but is still constantly there - like Gnarli I find it makes it difficult to hear against background noise e.g. social situations, though my hearing is OK generally. If it's annoying me at night I put radio 4 on very quietly - spoken radio - music is too 'catchy'. it masks the tinnitus .
Hi Peterpiper,
I've recently been driven nuts by tinnitus in my left ear, thought it might be related to meds or RA inner ear problems. Went to my GP who discovered I had a built-up of wax in that ear! GP surgery doesn't provide ear draining now so she recommended Earol olive oil spray - did the trick! Good luck.
PS prior to GP visit it was hard to get to sleep at night with the intrusive high-pitched whistle. White noise didn't work, but bizarrely, focussing on the noise (instead of trying to disguise/block it out) really helped...I fell asleep quicker.
Sometimes white noise doesn't help. I use irregular sleep sounds like rain, wind or even fire, apart from their ability to muffle the tinnitus they help with visualisation and relaxation techniques which help me sleep. Try some irregular sounds and see if those help