I have a rectocele and would like an operation. I am looking to see if I can have it done privately but wonder if anyone else has had one who is immunosuppressed? I am on Methotrexate and Imraldi . {Humira} If you have had an operation can you tell me how you got on please, how long you stopped your medication for and who did the operation, gynaecologist or a colorectal surgeon? Thank you.
Prolapse help please: I have a rectocele and would like... - NRAS
Prolapse help please

Hi there, I’m in a similar position as you. I’m going to see the gynaecology on Friday. I have waited such a long time for this appointment. Had a rectocele op done a few years ago but have now prolapsed again in the front wall . I began Amgevita in January but am struggling with a cough and sinus problems. I am also due to see the Rheumy too. The cough has made my prolapse so much worse but I’m thinking I’ll be told nothing will be done until I get my biologic sorted out. Feeling overwhelmed at the moment. Will let you know how I get on. Why are you thinking of going privately? Can you not get an appointment? Sending best wishes to you.
I am thinking privately because I have deteriorated and can't sit comfortably. I don't see my gynaecologist until August and if she says she will operate I will go on a long list again. I already have seen her in January after a year's wait. Also if it's on NHS they can cancel last minute if busy. You might be better being operated on whilst not on a biologic as you need to come off it for a while. I don't know how long for but I expect it will be weeks, during that time we may flare and being NHS it would have been a flare for nothing.
I agree about the wait, I had a letter months ago asking if I still wanted to have an appointment! It must be 18 months ago I saw the consultant and did the urodynamic tests. I had a pessary put in which came out the day after!
It's terrible isn't it? I didn't expect this when my husband retired. He has retired to more or less become my almost full time carer. I thought my knees were my main problem but after all the years of nothing being done except steroids injections this is probably worse.I tried several pessaries but they all slipped and were so uncomfortable. Thankfully a GP at my surgery ordered lots to try otherwise I think I would be made to try them at hospital.
Hi. I had a prolapse for a number of years . Originally I had a pessary fitted which worked well and finally in February I had the operation. I had a hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair which was done vaginally. I had been worried but it was so straightforward. I was in hospital for 2 days and had a catheter for a week . I took paracetamol for a couple of days but pain was really minimal. You have to take things easy for 4-6 weeks afterwards and I had to keep reminding myself not to do stuff as I felt fine.
I’m 72 and have had RA since 2009 . I’m on methotrexate only( recently stopped hydroxychloroqine) and also have a blood cancer ( but I’m just on watch and wait for that). I stopped the mtx for 3 weeks. My operation was done by a gynaecologist and I did have to wait a long time but it was worth it.
I hope you can get it all sorted soon.

Thank you. Mine is a rectocele. Were you told you would be slow healing? Also how did you get on with going home with a catheter in? I have always had a fear of them since having my first baby over 40 years ago. I never seem to work when they take it out, then again when I had a hysterectomy. Going home with one really worried me.
I assumed from all the information I’d been given that it would be slow but it seemed quick. I hated the idea of a catheter( my mother in law had a permanent one for years with lots of issues I had to help with!!) but it was ok- just a nuisance really and a bit uncomfortable after a few days.. The district nurse came and removed it after a week. Good luck with it all.

Thank you. From what I read the private hospital keep you in until it's removed although I expect that can change.