I was on leflunomide from beginning of October until end of December, had to come off of it due to terrible tummy troubles. Anyway beginning of February( 6 weeks after stopping leflunomide ) I've noticed a huge increase in the amount of hair I am shredding per day. I counted 90 strands just in the shower the other morning and then when I brush it about another 30 come out. During the day if I run my fingers through my hair and alarming amount comes out in my hand, alot more than iam used to. Could it still be the leflunomide in my system? Any one else had this after stopping leflunomide?
Leflunomide and hair shredding: I was on leflunomide... - NRAS
Leflunomide and hair shredding

Hi Khow, I do know that Leflunomide stays in your system for a long time apparently. There is a clearing system that can be used if the side effects are bad, maybe it’s worth asking If it’s appropruate for you.
HI, I came off Leflunomide for the same reasons about a month ago, I have to say my hair seems to be not shedding like it was and if I look closely there does seem to be short spikes of grey hair coming through, amid the recently dyed growth :). Are you taking another DMARD that could be causing it? Definitely talk to the rheumy about it, same thing as is always said, we all react in different ways to these drugs. I will be going on to a biologic shortly, but at the moment I have had 2 blessed weeks of no pain and no tummy problems, it's a very weird disease.
Hair loss is listed under the common side effects......thanks for posting.
I will definitely avoid the drug if offered.
No it did not and still doesnt affect my hair but MTX did and I showed that to the Rheumy. A good idea that as it took some believing how much lost. Anyway LEF really works well for me but I'd talk to your Rhuemy about this as it might be something else. Stress can do this and its easy to blame the meds when it just might be something elso so worth getting proper medical advice.