I don’t know if anyone can help me but I need to find a good hand surgeon preferably plastic surgeon rather than orthopaedic surgeon either in Yorkshire or County Durham areas. Huge thanks in advance. Bbxx
Hand surgeon required : I don’t know if anyone can help... - NRAS
Hand surgeon required

Hi. There is a very good hand surgeon who did mine at the Friarage Hospital Northallerton. An original army/ trauma surgeon. Captain something..You could maybe look him up. Hes short on chat but good on surgery.
Found him Colonel Stewart
Good luck. It's painful but worth it I found
There's aN excellent team in Derby Pulvertaft Hand Centre led by a guy called Bainbridge. He also has a private clinic if you need a quick appt. He looks after the royals and did a swansons on my right hand. The left one was done by a lady called Jill Arrowsmith who is also very good.
Mr Bainbridge as previously mentioned. He's actually performed surgery on royalty. I've been with him for many years now. His bedside manner is rather abrupt. But he knows his stuff. Based at royal derby hospital. Also private at allestree. His own clinic.
Thanks for your reply I have a lot of problems with my left hand and 3 surgeons have refused to operate here in Norfolk and suggest I have an independent consultation away from here and as we intend to move back up north next year it seemed appropriate to have an independent consult up north. I just need ho let them know where I want to go and they will refer me.
It may be worth taking a look at the British Society for Surgery of the Hand website bssh.ac.uk/

Thanks for that I had completely forgotten about it!!