I have been told that I have sero negative inflammatory arthritis. My previous MD advised that even though my Sed rate and CRP are normal, that the diagnosis is supported by exam findings and my symptoms. The abnormal findings are that my monocytes are elevated at 15, neutrophils are low at 45 (which can be due to inflammation), Platelet count low at 133, and wbcs are low at 3.3. I also have below normal IGG, and IGM. Now I have always had lower blood values, seems to be a family thing, but the low neutrophils are considered inflammatory markers, for which my new doctor states they are not.
I had to switch doctors, and my new rheumatologist feels that my sed rate and crp have never been elevated, and there for she is questioning active inflammatory arthritis. Because I have osteoarthritis she tells me that areas of pain in my hands wrist, feet are osteo, because she feels meds I take are taking care of the inflammatory arthritis. It is the same area, pain, stiffness, swelling are bilateral. I also have bilateral knee pain, for which she states inflammatory arthritis only effects the small joints, so the knees are osteo. (I did fall and break the tibial tuberosity 2 years ago) but the areas are bilateral, and seem to be in same location on each knee.
The IGG and IGM values since they seem to be a family thing also, preclude some of the newer drugs, and I am ok with that for now, but wonder if the lower levels could cause false normals on my sed rate and crp.
My pain, and sleepiness interfere only moderately with my activity level, so feel ok staying on leflunomide 20mg, but wonder if there are any other ideas on management of symptoms.
BTW new MD also states leflunomide does not result in decreased immune response, and therefore I do not need to worry about exposure or illness. Every area of information states that what she is telling me, is not correct.
Would love some feedback from those who have been there, or have knowledge in theses areas. Thanks so much, Sue
I am frustrated with my new doctor, as I feel like she disregards my concerns. She did not see me with my first real flair, and my GP suspects she isn't quite on board with my diagnosis, which was made by a rheumatologist with >40 years of practice/knowledge on board. Insurance mandated change, and there are limited specialist in my area.