Rheumatoid : Hi I’ve suffered for 2 years now but since... - NRAS


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Jasonteddancer profile image
14 Replies

Hi I’ve suffered for 2 years now but since Christmas it has got aggressively worse I’m now on methotrexate 17.5mg per week and sulfasalzine 2000mg per day but nothing seems to help I’ve started (2weeks ago) taking turmeric /omega 3 & cats claw tablets which I know I’ll have to give a couple more weeks to notice any of these affects. I’ve now had 9 flaire up’s in 12 weeks which is now effecting my home life & my Work life as I’m unable to walk through my knees being so swollen. Last week I had 170ml drained from my right knee now this weekend my left knee has swollen to the same size but can’t get it drained till Monday morning. Has anyone got any ideas to help with the pain until I get it drained?

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Jasonteddancer profile image
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14 Replies
Ruth12345 profile image

Sorry to hear that you are having a rough time. Codeine & paracetamol work for me. I take 60 mg of C & 1g of P 4 times a day. Could not function without it. Hope you get sorted asap

Eiram50 profile image

I think you need to speak with your gp about appropriate pain relief. I alternate between tramadol/ dehydracodeine and oxynorm. I don’t like taking them but they are needed .

I’m not sure what you could get OTC to keep you help you until Monday though.

Really hope you get something to manage your pain.


Ruth12345 profile image

Actually Eiram is correct about your gp being best to know. You can get solpadeine otc as an interim until Monday

Jasonteddancer profile image

Thanks to you all for your comments and help. I wish for a future we all can have a cure

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Jasonteddancer


Merely broader, longer term thoughts if interested for future, Jasonteddancer — once this difficult 2-year escalation subsides. 🙏 😌 Perhaps merely considerations to help improve home & work life over upcoming years? 🤔

If interested, kindly see shared thoughts at:

healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... (scroll down ⬇️ to "It is indeed daunting . . . ")

healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... (scroll ⬇️ "Kindly see if Smitha1521’s post . . . ")

healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... (scroll ⬇️ "Yes, some of us have & can . . . ")



Wishing you speedy relief & realistic hope for future long-term, long-lasting improvements, Jasonteddancer. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


helixhelix profile image

Try to keep your leg up as much as you can, and icing it can help a tiny bit.

I hope you have a rheumy appointment soon as it sounds like you needs a serious review of your meds!

Jasonteddancer profile image

I’ve been keeping it up all day which is easing the pain I’ve also been icing it to but I’ve found this is making it worse do you think I should try heat instead of ice?

Vonnie10 profile image

So sorry you in so much pain .

farm123 profile image

Until my knee replacement and getting under medical control my knees would regularly blow up. Did not seem to be anything to stop them - would have them drained and steroid injected but would not last long. Make sure you take the time to rest after being injected to allow the steroid to stay in the joint for longer to work where you need it to - 24 minimum preferably 48 hours. Also let your rheumy team know via their helpline so they are aware that you are struggling and if you are seeing GP for draining and injecting the rheumy team may be able to authorise the GP to use a larger dose of steroid which may help for longer.

Jasonteddancer profile image

Have u knees been a lot better since your new ones have been installed meaning tour RA is now under control?

farm123 profile image
farm123 in reply to Jasonteddancer

My issues started with my left knee when I was 19 and had left knee replaced at 49 - three years ago. The replacement together with Abatacept and hydroxychloroquine has meant my inflammatory arthritis is more controlled and have not have any swollen knees for a long time.

You probably need your meds reviewed as when the meds were working for me my knees were easier.

SheRa13 profile image

You may need a biologic medicine with that intense level of active disease.

Darnell1970 profile image

This is not a answer to your question but I have been hurting and suffering so bad for for I know at least a year and a half I had told the doctor at pain management and my regular gp doctor my hands and shoulder which one shoulder does have tendinitis in it which I get injections for my neck which I have had surgery on and my knees hurt so bad and it was getting worse like every week so finally I asked my doctor if she could send me to a specialist so she said let her check my RA factor I think there is like 5 panels they draw like ccp ecis or something like that but anyways all of them are way elevated so she is setting me up with a rheumatologist and I’m just wondering how long it takes to get any ease once he starts me on medicine I know your not actually diagnosed with just the blood work but I’m guessing I definitely have it my hands are drawn up I can’t write without them killing me they get so inflamed my knees do too I can’t see my shoulders so not sure if they look as inflamed as my knees I feel so sorry for anyone that is in pain cause I know there are lots of people that hurt worse than I do and I don’t see how they take it and I hope to god you can find some help I just try to take it one day at a time

Jasonteddancer profile image

Sorry to hear about your pain.

My first year was really good after about 2 weeks on my first drugs. But unfortunately I’m now 3 years in and things are all over the place. I’m now on gout tablets aswell as RA tablets but I’m still having flair ups every 10 days. As I write this I’ve got an ice pack on my knee which does ease the pain a little whilst I wait for the naproxen to kick in which will also help a tad. I’m waiting to be put on new drugs soon as for some reason my RA activity is out of control. I’m trying to stay positive at this time as my specialist keep saying we will get this under control it’s for trying to find the right balance of drugs.

I hope you get to see someone soon as I know how frustrating it can be just waiting for help & answers

All The Best


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