phoned helpline as flaring and got face to face appt with nurse and she called in registrar. No steroid shot as flare abating slightly: got full inspection and they confirmed swollen ankle and other joints. Nurse promised to try to get me review as clear disease progressing and baricitinib not getting it. So no change but I feel I’m back in the system. Such as it is.
I’ve got an unexplained swollen left forefoot. Had it for couple of years at least. Rheumy could not find cause. I now have a swollen, slightly puffy right ankle and puffiness at bottom of right leg. Never diagnosed with OA/RA in right ankle but I have complained of pain in ankle before. Never been followed up. Anyone else experienced one ankle swelling up? What would you recommend I do.? I should say I know I’ve got OA/RA in right knee and had a steroid injection (trying to delay replacement) in it just before lockdown in March. I’m on Baricitinib and RA currently pretty well controlled ATM. I’m not flaring this week! 🙄 Thanks for reading.