Need to rant. Sorry: I’ve had a swollen knee left for... - NRAS


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Need to rant. Sorry

Otto11 profile image
54 Replies

I’ve had a swollen knee left for months now & have been taking anti inflammatories which aren’t helping & making me feel quite sick too. After it started giving way several times most days I called our GP’s practice for an appointment. You have to tell the receptionist all your issue & she then tells a triage dr. I received a text message a few days later to say the dr had reviewed my case & classed it as routine so it could take up to 3 weeks for a call back. ( This is a lot better than it has been as it’s been 12-14 weeks wait since lockdown). . That was 27th October. That’s now 17 weeks I have been waiting!! I now also have a very sore right hip due to putting more weight through it. I’ve been to the surgery several times only to be told I’m still on the waiting list. The last time I rang the receptionist hung up on me as I got angry. Does anyone else have such terrible service as this. I now have 24 outstanding issues & just can’t get to be seen by anyone or even get a call back. They are an absolute disgrace. I’m so angry 😡 😡😡

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Otto11 profile image
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54 Replies
Madmusiclover profile image

that sounds AWFUL! Can you change GP? When we couldn’t get seen we moved GP. They had no doctors! Might be worth writing/emailing PALS or your MP?

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Madmusiclover

Thanks. I would love to change GP but it’s the only one in our area. I have Long Covid so don’t have the energy to complain as it gets me nowhere. I have spoken to the CCG though & got guidance when I get round to acting on it x

Neonkittie17 profile image

Sounds horrendous. 😩 They’ve driven you to extremes getting upset and frustrated. I think I’d send them a letter listing everything you’ve tried to get in touch about and how you’ve been treated and say you want it putting on your electronic file and an acknowledgement they have seen your letter. That is unacceptable being told you have to wait 3 weeks as you’re not a priority etc. We don’t always know for sure how much is getting through to the GPs from the admin staff. Now it’s made your hip bad as you didn’t get your knee problem addressed. Someone should have seen that and examined it. Excuse me if I’ve missed anything before but do you have a consultant? I’d think not if you’re relying on the GP but they do sound abysmal. I would do all Madmusiclover suggested too. Good luck. x

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Neonkittie17

Thanks. Yes my Rheumatologist is the only one who helps with anything & everything & more. Bless her. The problem is that I live in York but my Rheumatologist is in Leeds & they don’t/ can’t share information ( yes in this day & age!!) They are on different systems. They can see each others blood redux but that’s all & that’s only recent. My Rheumatologist will write to GP then GP just files it away without action. She is the one who asked him to refer me to long covid clinic last March but it wasn’t actioned by my GP till January this year. Hopefully I will have the energy to address the situation soon. X

Seatgeorge profile image
Seatgeorge in reply to Otto11

Well as for not sharing information there telling you rubbish, the NHS had a IT system put in called the spine this is to reference information nationally, I have seen the screen at hospital and the consultant looking at bloods and GP comments, the idea is if your ill anywhere they can reference your notes, very important with RA, good luck.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Seatgeorge

I know in our 2 areas they are on different systems & can’t access each others records. Rheumatologist always asks me to bring any clinic letters blood test results etc etc from York.

I totally agree with you though that it should be the same everywhere so all can access. X

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Otto11

Hi Otto, definitely think you should address this once you have the energy as I know how zapping it is to be constantly chasing things up, and email/write a letter to the GP and say you were left to get worse, and decisions seem to have been made by non medical people If a GP phoned you back. If could be it was a GP decision if they prioritised others though. I’ve had to battle to get things done properly the last few years. My immunologist in Leeds can access anything within the NHS portals and my local Yorkshire hospital-rheumy records he told me, so not sure why your GP won’t/can’t? 🤷‍♀️🤨 Good luck.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Neonkittie17

That’s really interesting as I’ve been told different by my Rheumatologist although she did say they were hoping it would change in the future. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully I should get an appt for about April time so will ask again. My Rheumatologist Respiratory & Dermatologist are all in Leeds but Neuro & Endocrinology in York & that’s where I live. If it wasn’t for my hubby’s business I would consider moving to Leeds. I’m definitely going to have to find a different GP but heard so many bad reports about others here it’s hard to know what to do for the best 🤷🏻‍♀️

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Otto11

My Immunologist said he has the authorisation to look everywhere in the NHS portals so could be that some medics haven’t got the access codes available to do so?

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Neonkittie17

Ah yes. That may explain it Thanks x

sylvi profile image

I have stopped ringing the drs as it is a waste of time. If the receptionist asks what the problem i tell them it is ongoing health issues. That way they don't know what you want the dr for. It is disgusting the the treatment you are having . I would complain to the practice manager. xxx

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to sylvi

Thanks. I’ve tried that. We have to tell the receptionist or it’s goodbye no call. I’ve asked repeatedly for an appointment to discuss all my outstanding problems but unless I tell her each one they won’t allow an appointment. You have to stand & shout through a screen too so that everyone in the long queue can everything. Poor man in front of me asked for an appointment to see a dr as he had a lump. Receptionist shouts so you have a lump? Where’s the lump? He said quietly it’s on my testicle. She said sparks up I can’t hear you. He said it again. She then shouts “so you’ve got a lump on your testicle”. Poor man was obviously so embarrassed there were about 12 people queuing who all heard. Terrible. I told her I’m not prepared to stand here & go through 24 things that need addressing as she is not medical & wouldn’t be able to make accurate notes for the duty dr. So that’s no appointment then. This is their system 🙁

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Otto11

WOW that is disgusting i would complain further up the chain darling. xxxx

vonniesims profile image

My practice manager told me to use E Consult or whatever your practice uses, it usually works well as the GPs read the e mails every day and respond.

Gottarelax profile image
Gottarelax in reply to vonniesims

I always use the online messaging service for our surgery as it bypasses receptionists who don’t always pass on messages accurately or make assumptions about urgency. I generally get a response the next day. On the other hand my parents at a different surgery phone in and their service is bordering on criminally negligent.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Gottarelax

It’s a waste of time phoning as the receptionist dosnt understand & as you say her notes are not always accurate. I’m sorry your parents are having such bad service too. My latest problem is that several of my meds have been removed from my repeat prescription eg Eye drops & Codeine & Steroid cream. I have sent a letter stating all the meds ( 5 or 6) that have been removed & stating who has removed them as it tells me on the app. Then the dates of the hospital letters when they were prescribed. I’ve asked Boots if I can buy over the counter but they all need prescription. I sent the letter in December. It’s been scanned onto the NHS app but hasn’t been acted on. Just noted & filed. No discussion just no response. Just another thing for me to try to sort out. X

Gottarelax profile image
Gottarelax in reply to Otto11

Do you have the option to change surgery locally...I think that's what I'd do!

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to vonniesims

I have done that but this time they need to see it. I havnt actually seen a GP since Nov 21 but had 6 courses of antibiotics for infections without being seen. Usually receptionist calls & says dr says you don’t need an appointment. They refused to do my blood monitoring the last 2 times when I sent an e message asking for a blood form. Their response was surely Rheumatology do this. Re no it’s called shared care & you have done it every 3 months for over 20 years! It then took 2 go’s to get the right blood tests on it. No CRP on first form. I sent a note but didn’t get a response so went to the surgery & receptionist said well does the dr know he’s supposed to do it. Everything is such a struggle. X

in reply to Otto11

CRP needs a doctors authorisation, but you can always just keep a symptoms diary. FBC, U&Es and Liver function are the usual tests as they are checking that your meds are not causing any issues.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to

Thanks. My Rheumatologist asks for it to be done every other blood test so 6 monthly. X

in reply to Otto11

Make sure that’s in writing somewhere so your GP knows..

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to

Thanks thats a good idea. x

in reply to vonniesims

I use this; it’s very useful and I prefer having things in writing. It’s much clearer.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to

Thanks. Yes I agree. X

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to vonniesims

we can use it for emergency like a chest infection etc then you get a text to say a prescription has been sent to your chemist. X

HappykindaGal profile image

Had similar in April last year. I pushed really hard for a course of steroids and they gave me two weeks which made an enormous difference, but only temporarily. Pushed hard again for more and was given 6 weeks and that gave the space for the physio to start improving it.

Didn’t need further steroids and knee is a hundred times better but can still ache but doesn’t constantly give way which was frightening when you live on your own.

Can you get to speak to your gp and suggest giving this a try? It might give you temporary relief so that it can heal.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to HappykindaGal

Thank you. It’s a no I’m afraid. 17 weeks on the waiting list for a call back. I have called the Rheumatology advice line who said if I can get there I can have a steroid injection in my button. Not a joint one unfortunately. I’m having surgery today so won’t be able to get there now anyway. I just feel so lost. Every time you go there & join the queue out of the door everyone is complaining bitterly just trying to get access to help. X

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Otto11

That’s madness! I’m so sorry this is happening. Hope the surgery goes well today ❤️

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to HappykindaGal

that should say bottom! Ha ha. Thanks yes surgery done & home yesterday. One toe pinned on one foot & toe amputated on other foot where last pinning failed. So laid up now. When I feel a bit brighter I will try to address all of these issues in another letter. X

FloozieDuck profile image

So would I be cross,its just not fair.hope you get some help soon

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to FloozieDuck

Thanks. It’s going to be a complaint when I get enough energy to manage it x

ruth_p profile image

Have you got a rheumatologist? I think you should contact them, you may need fluid draining from your knee and a steroid injection. You should also write to the practice manager and explain what you have experienced and how the surgery are treating you and copy it to your MP. This is unacceptable behaviour. Alternatively could you change GP surgery? I hope you get sorted soon.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to ruth_p

I will need to do all of those things when I can manage it. I’ve had long covid for past 18 months & can’t manage much cognitive work at all. It’s cruel to leave patients so long. X

helenlw7 profile image

This ‘service’ is appalling! When my knee started giving way, I mentioned it to my rheumatologist and she got me an appointment in a combined clinic with a rheumatologist and an orthopaedic surgeon from our orthopaedic hospital. I had x rays and at another clinic with the same surgeon it was decided that my knee was bone on bone and needed replacing.

Maybe this could be your way forward.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to helenlw7

I’m sorry to hear about your knee. Im presuming mine is the cyst at the back of my knee causing the problem as the swelling is mostly at the side. The problem is my Rheumatologist is in a different area 25 miles away so she can’t refer only ask my GP’s to refer but they dont do anything. They file letters away but don’t action them. X

Blackberrywine profile image

I'm so sorry. Its not good is it. I found it much more productive emailing my rheumatology nurses. I got a call back within a week, and they sent through email to GP asking them to give me a steroid. Not sure if this will be a useful way round the GP madness for you?

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Blackberrywine

Thanks. I don’t have an e mail for our nurses but a phone advice line which is good. They usually get back within 3-5 days. I’m not sure they could e mail our GPs as it’s in a different area. It sounds a good service though. X

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to Otto11

I think these days everything is done electronically. I did ask for jab to be done at GP as its a 2 bus journey to hospital.

Zoogirl profile image

If you are under care of rheumatology dept def go through them. I was lucky and got a GP app regarding my knee issues but he just said to go through rheumatology as if he did it it would take forever to get a consultant app! Was around 6 weeks before I got a letter from consultant so def the way to go. Also as someone else said it may need draining which is something they should not ignore. Put in a complaint with practice manager. Good luck

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Zoogirl

Thanks. I have spoken with a Rheumy nurse who said they can offer a steroid injection into my bottom not a joint one. I may take them up on that in the mean time. X

Jackie1947 profile image

You're going to dislike me now because I can ring the surgery at 8.30am to either ask for a f2f or telephone appointment on the same day and I get it if I feel it's really necessary. Other menial appointments can take up to 3 weeks. Being rude is a no no as it's not the receptionists fault. Maybe look to register elsewhere.Our surgery is out of area (which you can do) as around us sounds like yours. Do a bit of detective work,look at reviews on the NHS web site. Good luck!

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Jackie1947

No you’re right I don’t like you. Only joking 🙃 While I’m laid up it’s something I could look at. Thanks x. I did tell receptionist I knew it wasn’t her fault but surely she can just tell the GP I need an appointment to discuss some outstanding issues 🤷🏻‍♀️

Otto11 profile image

Thanks. I spoke to my Rheumy nurse last week & asked if I could have a steroid injection but she said only a general one not a joint one. I should have a Rheumy appointment in April but not had an appointment letter yet. Maybe they can sort it out then x

Madmusiclover profile image
Madmusiclover in reply to Otto11

Ask for it earlier. Let them know the trouble you are in. Xx

Runrig01 profile image

I use E-Consult to bypass the receptionist. The form is very detailed and allows you to specify if you expect anything in particular. I can put in there that I want a F2F, and generally am seen within 24hrs. I always mention I’m immunosuppressed, and I’m red flagged for urgent appointments if I havd signs of infection. I also have adrenal insufficiency and infections can put me in a crisis. I can honestly say they have been great, even throughout the pandemic. I’m sorry you’re not getting similar service. I understand your frustrations, but it isn’t acceptable to take it out on the receptionist who is just doing what she’s been told to do. Do you have an urgent care centre nearby that you could go to, these normally allow you just to turn up, and would inform your gp of their findings. The other option is writing to your MP to intervene on your behalf, I would keep any letter to stating facts, and don’t go off on a rant, as you will get much further by just bullet pointing where it’s easy to pick out the issues. I hope you resolve it soon, if not I’d look at switching surgeries, even if that means going out of area.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Runrig01

Thanks. Our e consult isn’t as detailed it’s just a space to leave a message. They do respond if it’s a possible infection but by text message from reception to say a prescription has been sent. I don’t know anyone locally who is happy with them at all. I’m laid up now after surgery so maybe my knee & hip will get some rest x

TheBoys profile image

in this case - I would make a definite complaint. Write to the practice mgr?

I seemed to be in an issue like this 18 months ago and fired off a polite, well laid out complaint. It broke the log-jam and sorted me out. Have a go - it might just work.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to TheBoys

Thanks. It just takes up so much of my energy trying to sort out their constant errors. 3 attempts just to get a blood form correct for goodness sake. The manager isn’t particularly helpful. Last time I asked to see her she just quoted policies at me. We were going in circles so I told her as we went getting anywhere I would leave which I did. Apparently most of the GP’s have now left & only some have been replaced so we can’t get any continuity either. X

thelmar profile image

The advice I was given was to always use email rather than a letter. Letters can be ‘lost’ or ‘mislaid’ whereas emails are permanently on the system and cannot be removed. As a retired IT teacher this advice made sense to me. Fortunately I haven’t had to put it to the test. I moved house last year and my new surgery have been excellent. Good luck. I hope you find some way of getting satisfaction.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to thelmar

Thanks you’re right but it was receptionist who told me to write a letter. Our online system only has space for a few lines to describe your current problem. I will look into this though. X

Hi, I would change GP Practices. You live in York, so there must be many to choose from citywide.

My Rheumatologist and GP are in different health authorities, but letters from Rheumatology are always sent after my visits. I go to my GPs for blood monitoring/ meds etc. ‘Shared Care’ is in place for all of us seeing Rheumatologists, the GP Practice has a Duty to adhere to these Guidelines.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to

So sorry for my late response. Yes I'm supposed to have shared care however last year when I asked GP Practice for a blood form I got a response from a GP to say surely Rheumatology do this? I've looked through your notes & there is no indication of which tests we should do. I'm not saying no just not sure what to do so I will pass it on to another GP !!! I wrote back to inform them that they had done my 3 monthly blood monitoring for the past 23 years without a problem. I honestly despair!I'm in the process of looking into reviews of other GP's. x

in reply to Otto11

I moved practices when they banned me from getting my yearly flu jab, and it turned into a major drama… It’s just such a huge waste of energy… Just move!! Who needs it????

Otto11 profile image

Just want to say thanks to all of you for your excellent replies & sorry its taken a while to get back to you. I went into our surgery again last week to ask if my call back had been missed & the receptionist wanted to know all the outstanding issues on my list. I gave her 2 & refused the rest as had a queue of people behind me. One was my knee, the other was my meds that had been removed from my repeat which I needed. I had written a letter with them all on which had appeared on my NHS app but that was it. Just filed & not dealt with. I received a phone call from a Pharmacist 2 days later to say there seems to have been a bit of a mix up. We were 40 minutes on the phone getting it sorted out but at least thats one thing off my list.

Then the following day I received a text from the practice to say they have noted my request for a call back & aim to get a GP to call me some time in the next 8 weeks! That will be 25 weeks in total. I give up 😡🤷‍♀️

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