My doctor has put me down for PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections and said they are a bit experimental but it might help my ankle pain. Have any of you had PRP injections or any other ankle injections? Can I please have your words of wisdom as I am getting worried that it will hurt a lot. Thank you.
PRP injections: My doctor has put me down for PRP... - NRAS
PRP injections

I haven’t but this might be helpful:
“Treatment with PRP could hold promise, however, current research studies to back up the claims in the media are lacking. Although PRP does appear to be effective in the treatment of chronic tendon injuries about the elbow, the medical community needs more scientific evidence before it can determine whether PRP therapy is truly effective in other conditions.
Even though the success of PRP therapy is still questionable, the risks associated with it are minimal: There may be increased pain at the injection site, but the incidence of other problems — infection, tissue damage, nerve injuries — appears to be no different from that associated with cortisone injections.”
From what I just read they take your blood, increase the number of platelets using centrifuge and then inject it back in to the affected area. So far it’s mainly used by athletes for injuries.
The website I was reading is
I have had this treatment for Plantir Fasciitis in both heels. You don't have to worry about it hurting, ... it will. The thing you have to weigh up is whether the possible benefits of this treatment as opposed to other treatments is worth the pain. I thought it was, as the alternative was an op on each foot. The outcome for me was ....I only needed an operation on one foot, as the treatment didn't work on one foot.
I haven't had them but I've had steroid injections in my ankles and although it stung for a minute I felt the benefit afterwards xxx
I have had injections in knees and top of feet and ankles, and yes there is a little pain. Most of the time they deaden your skin before the injection so it should not be too bad. I don't know about your particular injection, but try not to be too scared of the pain, and let them know when you go in that you are nervous about the pain. Usually that will make them more sympathetic... Gook luck and let us know how it goes...