Hi, I've got my consultation date for PIP, which is next Tuesday; unfortunately, I had a steroid injection four weeks ago and I haven't felt this good in years....should I postpone my consultation until the steroid has worn off, or should I keep the appointment but tell them about the steroid? If I go, I'm not going to fake pain - I just couldn't do it. But I'll also be wasting their time and mine. However, come the new year, when I know I'll be in pain again, my chance will have gone. I really need advice (can anybody at NRAS also help)? Thanks
PIP consultation: Hi, I've got my consultation date for... - NRAS
PIP consultation

I would cancel it till ur steroid wears of u don't want to look to good and get zero points.assesors do tell lies and write what they think be very careful I've been wasn't good .good luck
The assessment has to include the worst days, how they affect you.
By the time you go for the appt the pain could be back.
Delaying assessment could be seen as very suspicious unless you have a good reason eg ill, in hospital, on holiday.
CAB input and the welfare rights site could help whether or not you are in a flare.
Good luck!
Plan carefully as you get two opportunities to change appointment, after that you are excluded from applying. I attended on a very good day, met the kindest young lady and was awarded for the next five years a rate three times what I used ro get on DLA.
Hi, The same thing happened to me. Had a flare up on and off since christmas last year. Saw my consultant at the end of June this year who gave me a Steroid injection. A couple of weeks later I felt really good as sometimes it is the exhaustion that stops you doing things. My assessment was in September and I had thought the steroid effects would have worn off by then but it hadn’t. I explained the treatments i’d had and thought the assessment went well but I ended up with standard mobility when I had full mobility Dla since 1995. DWP say they make the final decision but the assessors form does show the descriptor that they think you are entitled to. DWP seem to ignore everything you write on your form and use the assessors report to make their decision. Of course now I am feeling exhausted again coping with pain and discomfort in most joints but I just couldnt face challenging them.
I think you have to have a valid reason for postponing so really concentrate on how your condition has affected you and will in the future. Make sure you say everything that is on your form as my assessment report said that i hadnt mentioned difficulties preparing food and personal care even though i had written it on my form. My sister had applied for PIP previously and it was amazing how many reasons for DWP decisions were exactly the same for both of us.
Wish i could have been more helpful and good luck
Hi that's really helpful thanks. I'm sorry you're in such pain....steroids are great aren't they and at least you can feel healthy for a while, but timing couldn't be worse. Thanks for taking the time to reply and good luck in the future.