Boron, not boring!: Boron is a mineral that works at... - NRAS


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Boron, not boring!

41 Replies

Boron is a mineral that works at cell level, along with magnesium and calcium. But many Western ‘civilised’ societies lack it in their diet due to eg depletion of soil by moving away from natural fertilisation methods like composting.

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41 Replies
helixhelix profile image

As far as I understand it, if the soil hasn't enough boron then your crop yield will be pretty rubbish. So in the 25 or so years since this article was produced (& some of the refs were from the 50's) the situation has probably changed hugely as farmers are more and more concerned about the bottom line. Although of course in less developed countries probably very different, but general malnutrition may be more of a priority than any one element.

So if you eat a good diet then you should be fine. If you eat processed junk then may well have a boron deficiency to add to your other woes.....

in reply to helixhelix

Although the data is old, I do think the situation has worsened.

Artificial fertilisers are commonly used, and big corporations like Monsanto are attempting to gain a stranglehold on world crop production whilst forcing their products on countries/states/individuals who try to ban eg glyphosate.

Crop dessicatio has been widely practised both in the USA and UK for many years, and that practice results in depleted soil so that root systems of plants are not formed properly, affecting the whole plant development.

I must prepare to go out soon, so may not respond to further responses, at least for several hours. :-)

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to

Don't get me started on Monsanto!

in reply to helixhelix

No, best not! My post should have said ‘crop dessication’ not dedication.

But monocultures are not good either.

HDo2010 profile image

I took Borax for 3 weeks. I can see tremendous improvement in my sleep and I actually can dream again.

in reply to HDo2010

Really Borax? I have a good reciepe that kills rats, ants etc. and it contains a small amount of Borax.

1/2 c sugar

1 Tbsp borax

1 1/2 c water

Mix well and place on plate with cut up pieces of bread.

in reply to

Borax is not the basic mineral boron! LOL

in reply to

Yes, I know Borax is not the basic mineral boron. I do get that. I was replying to HDo2010 who eats Borax.

in reply to

Ah, the notification came as a reply to my post!

He may be a little confused, as some people are re boron, boric acid and borax.

But are we actually any better off when we consume/inject MTX and other very toxic substances?

For the moment, I choose MTX etc in spite of its highly toxic effects but attempt to ameliorate RA with other alternatives in addition. :-)

in reply to

No worries :)

I'm not aware of any double blinded, placebo studies on boron and RA. But I will look for one.

in reply to

No, neither am I. Just like the info about the effects of lack of boron in the diets of people across the globe, and the evidence of its benefits in the tables within the article in my original link posted. :-)

in reply to

Found a study that uses both boron with etanercept. Long study to read, so just read the conclusion if you like.

in reply to

That is good, thanks! :-)

in reply to

This study was done in 2017. I know that it is used with etanercept but it's a start. Maybe one day in the near future we can lower our doses of meds with the addition of Boron.

Thanks for your original posting :)

Sharing knowledge is always good.

in reply to

That is kind of you! Got to sign out, still getting very tired with tail end of recent long flare.

Bee well (as much as we all can anyway!)

HDo2010 profile image
HDo2010 in reply to

i'm not confuse. read this and it may help you save some of money with higher benefit

in reply to HDo2010

Sorry about that. I did look up borax yesterday evening and posted a wiki link that explains the borax/boricacid/boron substances.

Borax is not poisonous except in high quantities for rats; apparently no real studies here on toxicity levels for humans.

I will look at that link of yours now, very much appreciate your input. :-)

medway-lady profile image

I seem to remember from school, Boron kills nuclear fusion so not sure I'd eat it.

in reply to medway-lady

It is present in food. The article illustrates its vital role and benefits, and the way lack affects us.

Borax/boric acid has been used to clean up radiation from nuclear accidents; it absorbs it. In the body, this is then excreted safely.

Definitely not to be dismissed without investigation! :-)

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to medway-lady

medway-lady You're not a fan of prunes? :)

medway-lady profile image

No ITYIALMCTT! lol and my husband worked Nuclear Powerstations for a long time, this might be like Diesel this year it's wonderful, two years time it's not. I'm not taking it, anything that kills fusion might just not be good for my tum. x

in reply to medway-lady

Nobody is trying to ‘make’ anyone else take anything. It is just an opportunity to become informed.

Boron enhances killing cancer cells, and I never heard of it ‘killing fusion’.

Benefit of boron and ‘fusion’ link provided below:

HDo2010 profile image
HDo2010 in reply to

Borax is safer than table salt. It also cure fluoride poisoning.

AARA profile image

Hi All,

The mineral supplement I take includes Boron tetraborate 2 mgs per day and I feel better taking it. Each to their own. Some like to take what Mother Nature has been offering up since before mankind evolved. Other opt. for what Big Pharma developed quite recently.

We each need to find what works for us. Wishing you good hunting and wishing you well.


HDo2010 profile image
HDo2010 in reply to AARA

I mixed 1/4 teaspoon of borax with 1 liter of water and sip throughout the day. this will give me 113 mg of boron. I did this for 3 weeks then I switched to maintenance dose by adding a heaping teaspoon of borax to 1 liter of water and then taking 1 teaspoon of this borax solution twice daily after meal. This solution delivers 25-30 mg of borax (and thus about 3 mg of boron)

1 bottle of boron in health store cost 8 dollars and this can last for 1 month. 1 box of Borax cost $4.99 and this can last for 3 years.

I do this to clean out my Pineal Gland. After the first week of taking Borax solution, I slept very well and woke up with more energy.

in reply to HDo2010

That sounds amazing. I am taking 3mg capsules daily, just started. Sorry if already said so, head hurts after activities and I have done a fair amount of housework today.

I will certainly look up borax to see if I can buy it in the UK. Amazon might have it.

Your information may be just what is needed!


in reply to HDo2010

Hi again,

I looked up borax in UK but it is mostly borax substitute due to European Union directives.

However, it can be purchased from a few sites, £24.99 for 5kg but that’s a lot. There are 2.2lbs to each kilo.

Link for anyone in UK

HDo2010 profile image
HDo2010 in reply to

Wow I just checked $5.59 for 65 oz box in Walmart. This is pure Borax. 20 mules team. did you check on Amazon in USA

in reply to HDo2010

No. I am in the UK. My boron capsules give me 3mg daily for 250 days, cost £7.90.

Making do with those meantime. If I source borax at a reasonable price, including shipping, I will certainly get it! :-)

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to

Baldwins in the UK has it tho' the postage charge is quite high as you'd probably only want about 25g unless there are other items there that interest people.


in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

Thanks, that’s kind of you.

I found some at a reasonable price including shipping, for 500g, an amount that would allow all kinds of used as well as medicinal. :-)

in reply to HDo2010


Hope you are doing well. I was on my way out but decided to recheck sale of borax since the EU reclassified it, and found shocking restrictions on its use.

Totally uncalled for and against my sense of individual choice:

Reading that, I could be prosecuted for buying it and then using it for medicinal purposes on only myself in the UK. Very angry!!


I take 3mg boron capsule daily, the amount I found recommended in various links. But more is not harmful.

Best natural source seems to be organically grown root vegetables, free of synthetic fertilisers etc.

Hope you feel better for it. I only started two weeks ago. :-)

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to

Lucky for me....our food mainly consists of our own organically grown vegetables grown on our own compost. But even so I still have RA....

in reply to helixhelix

Yes, once the gene is triggered it is supposed to be incurable. However, I hope that a way to switch it off will be found.

Scientists in Bristol have made progress on it but it is not publicised.

Meantime, I am taking 4mg boron daily, will see how that goes, along with everything else. :-)

HDo2010 profile image
HDo2010 in reply to

if the soil was depleted of boron then what?

in reply to HDo2010

The study showed that where the soil lacked boron, so did the diets of the people.

Is that the point of your query? :-)

HDo2010 profile image
HDo2010 in reply to

Yes Charisma ... so eating organic veg that grows on soil that lacks of boron does not help much

in reply to HDo2010

Absolutely, that was included in the study too.

Compostingnaturally, not artificial fertilisers, creates good rich soil full of nutrients.

in reply to HDo2010


Here’s the link if you want a better look at the tables etc.

Ali_H profile image

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