Previously, I asked everyone about supplements... what and when to take them, with all my other RA medications. There were quite a few replies and I got more confused than ever. So, I've just come back from seeing my GP and I also spoke to the pharmacist.
Both of them said the same thing. The fact that my body is currently getting used to the RA drugs themselves and my poor body is flooded with inflammation, it's probably not a good idea to interfere with how it is all working. So, if I'm eating a healthy diet, full of fruit and veg and oily fish then I don't need to take supplements.
On the other hand, she was quite happy for me to continue taking folic acid, glucosamine, fish oils, Vitamin D, calcium and turmeric.
I should take my thyroxine on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast (which I've done for 20 years). The sulphasalazine and predisinole should be taken with breakfast, with all the painkillers and supplements, apart from the Vitamin D and calcium which should be taken on an empty stomach before bed. The second dose of sulphasalazine should be taken at dinner time along with the hydroxychloroquine and any other painkillers. Phew.
Don't get me started on my HRT!