I have read with interest the many posts that people write, gleaning some really valuable info over the past few years since I discovered this fabulous site, thank you. So, now that I have a problem of my own, I'm turning to you lovely people for some advice.
I was diagnosed with RA four years ago, luckily for me the diagnosis was early on and after going through a myriad of treatments, it is sort of under control with Hydroxychloroquine, Lefluonomide, Naproxen and Amitriptyline. Also lots of rest and a wonderfully supportive husband.
I work for a local authority, they were happy to accommodate my request for a reduction in hours when I asked for it a couple of years ago, and they are okay with me taking time for hospital appointments (although I do usually take them on my days off)
Last September my bloods went a little awry and my Rhemy took me off the Lefluonomide for several months. Because of this, I was off sick on 3 occasions within a six month period, (although I was only off for 6 days in total). This has triggered my HR dept to monitor my sickness level and are insisting I only take one more period of sickness in the next six months. I have tried explaining RA doesn't work like that. I also pointed out that their own Occupational Health people have already said that I'm covered by the Equality Act 2010 as my RA counts as a disability. This always led to believe that all my time off sick due to RA would be counted as one sickness. (I've had a message from my union who agree that it should be counted as one sickness.)
I'm somewhat confused! I'm not the sort of person who takes time off work lightly, I have to be completely exhausted/in agony before I don't go to work . I wondered if any of you knowledgeable people had experienced anything similar? I intend to fight this, but I want to know I'm in the right before I start screaming and shouting!!
Thank you for your time.