I have been taking Humira for 12 years. I have been wanting to cut down or get off it, but Drs kept pushing me to stay on it. Quietly, I started taking it every 3 weeks but only a small amount, I would insert needle, count 2 then withdraw it. After a few months I noticed that my body was coping well with the reduction. At my last hospital visit it was suggested I have a 3 month break to see how would get on. I immediately contacted a homeopath who has prepared a remedy containing the vibration of Humira, so my system can cope with withdraw symptoms. l have also embarked on the Ketogenic diet which takes out all carbs and sugar. (worth taking a look at it).
I have also been following the book ' CURE ARTHRITIS THE DRUG FREE WAY' by Margaret Hills, she was a nurse riddled with RA. I soak my hands and feet daily in Epsom Salts, and take Cider Vinegar, gagged at molasses so not taking that. (The Miracle of Cider Vinegar) book is also informative
.I enjoy a ginger and turmeric latte every morning. (recipe on web) Helps reduce inflammation. All these combined together are helping.
After the first 3 -4 weeks of this doing all of this I was in agony, but had to sit it out. I am 9 weeks on and the swelling in my hands,feet an knees have reduced considerably .It's going to take time, I know.
Whatever condition we are facing, drugs/medication will not cure it. We have to make changes within ourselves our body has the ability to heal. Diet has a lot to answer for, although many medics refuse to accept this. There is a lot of info out there to help.
Medication dis-empowers us and makes us reliable on something outside ourselves. We are amazing beings and can heal, it just takes time.
There is also an agenda to get us all on medication of some kind or another, but that is another issue and perhaps not suitable to enter into.
Best wishes to all