I friends sorry haven't been on for a while but last couple of weeks been in so much agony in my left shoulder going into my arm feels as if its in a vice has anyone else experience this hoping it would have left by now or is this part of RA take care
pain in shoulder: I friends sorry haven't been on for a... - NRAS
pain in shoulder

There could be a number of reasons for the pain , you should go to your doctor and ask about an x ray . I had shoulder pain for 20 years from an old injury , i had multiple steroid injections and eventually needed surgery which was very successful. Best wishes
seen doc last week they think it was muscular having worked as a nurse and had many injuries over the years playing rugby the pain feels totally different
I ended up with a build up of calcium in the joint , i and had constant pain like a nagging tooth ache . I eventually had decompression surgery which took a bit of time and physio to get over but i no longer have pain in that particularly joint . If you have had old injuries and wear and tear in work then you should see a specialist and get a proper assessment . In my experience gps are not the most expertise in diagnosing the cause of these problems .
I had the same for over a week. It's eased a bit now but still a dull ache in three knuckles and my shoulder. Luckily I have a good rheumy nurse. So going in Monday for a check up and steroid shot.
Seen rhumy nurse few weeks back got steroid injection rest of body good just this stupid shoulder and arm
Hmm. Must be something else maybe. Hey ho, back to the gp for another referral 😏
Or perhaps see a physiotherapist?
Tried getting shoulder massaged but no change still in agony with it
Was that with a physiotherapist though?
It could be RA exploring your joints! Not long after my diagnosis (back in 2000) I had problems with both shoulders (couldn't put coat on, carry anything, etc.), I just had to be patient and take rest and pain meds until it passed.
Been trying mst for pain not even touching it
I live in France and take 'Zaldiar' which is Tramadol & paracetamol. Not sure if it is available in UK, but after codeine stopped helping have found this to be the only thing that touches the pain. Only problem is I can't drive if I take it - tends to send me to sleep. You should ask your rheumy if you can have tramadol. Good luck xo
Yes, my left shoulder had been troubling me for a few months, it's the side I sleep on which didn't help. The Registrar I saw gave me a localised steroid injection & referred me for physio who also gave me specific exercises to do & showed me how I needed to pull my shoulders & neck back. I'd been hunching with the pain which was pushing my chin out, not that I was aware but once I was shown it looked most odd! I'm not sure which helped most, the injection, physio, exercises, correcting my posture or the pregabalin prescribed for that & neck problems but it's as good as it's been in a long time. I saw my Rheumy last Friday & she's referring me to another hospital for a nerve conduction study for shoulder, neck & other neurological problems so will see what the results of those are & what can be done.
It's certainly worth exploring the root cause. You could ask your Rheumy or nurse to examine it, or if you don't have an appointment with them any time soon your GP, especially if he/she is the allocated steroid injection giver in the Practice! Meantime you could try either heat or cold, whichever you respond best too, see if that eases your pain somewhat.
I have tried everything I can think of nothing seems to be working except if I put my arm as in a sling which gives it some support and eases the pain
I think if you've tried everything to ease it it's a good time for someone else to take a look at it. My philosophy is if it hurts there's often a jolly good reason! Seriously, do mention it next time you see your Rheumy, or your GP if that's not imminent.
Good luck. Both my shoulders affected by so much pain - keeping me up awake. Have had X-rays for both which showed arthritis in both shoulders' joints. Having steroid inj for the first time next week. Hope to have some relief.