Been awake since 2am pain and more pain.: I am in agony... - NRAS


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Been awake since 2am pain and more pain.

linda-5502 profile image
18 Replies

I am in agony in my right foot and toes not had it this bad in this area ever!!! Why are these not taken into account when doing scores I just don't know this b.......y disease it knows no boundaries. Sorry about the rant but only you all out there will understand. Hope you all are not suffering like this I feel so alone. Well nite nite am trying for some sleep

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linda-5502 profile image
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18 Replies
Mandalou profile image

Hi Linda

God I'm with you in spirit, my latest mini flare was in my left foot! Just constant pain , only those who have this disease will understand.

It's not pain on moving , though of course that does hurt too, nothing to see, doesn't in my case even hurt much to touch just internal bone searing pain. I spent two nights awake on the sofa all night with it.

Even though my 8 weekly blood tests say my CRP is around 3 and my Rheumatologist last week said I had no swollen joints, I can feel where my boot is tighter around the width of my left foot.

She sent me for X-rays and apparently the results are ..... Unremarkable!

The pain however is just the opposite.

So I really hope you got some rest and relief finally Linda, sending much sympathy your way.


linda-5502 profile image
linda-5502 in reply to Mandalou

Thankyou so much for your reply it is good to know i am not going mad. My fheumy looked at me.last week as if I was going dolally when I said about my foot. They really annoy me because we KNOW purchase own bodies I am spending doped up now with painkillers feel a bit like a zombie. It is so good to know someone else has the same but also wish you didn't as it is lousy but take xame hope you get some relief from pain soon take care xx

Mandalou profile image
Mandalou in reply to linda-5502

You are certainly NOT going mad!

We are all in this together and as difficult as it gets we must battle on as what's the alternative? It's such a comfort having fellow sufferers who truly ' get it'

Be kind to yourself today and don't go driving too early on if you are still dosed up.


linda-5502 profile image

Hanks for you kind words no will not be driving today hubble will do that but we are going out for breakfast soon looking forward to that take xame xx

Leonwp profile image

Linda im so sorry that you and anyone else has to feel this pain, only yesterday i had to describe what it does to a man who told me "pah! my mum gets that in her knee and its never stopped her doing much", no one including most rheumy experts apart from RA sufferers or similar conditions can even begin to understand the pain and the helpless result it draws from us. When it bites it really bites, it is good that many now have the disease under control due to the more recent drug developments, we can only hope that some of the genetic and neurological work being done stops future generations from ever coming to our sorry place of pain. In defence off the many i have asked myself before that first attack 6 years ago did i have any idea what RA really was?, the answer is of course i did not....


linda-5502 profile image
linda-5502 in reply to Leonwp

Thanks for you reply the good thing is my rheumy is ranking about putting me pneumonia humoral so let's hope no I won't give in your thus disease xx

mbw159 profile image

I had something similer to this but had a op it was called mortons nuroma its between the 3&4toe they had to remove the nuromas but my other foot is bad arthritis just waiting for a op on that one that one is a bigger op i have been told ask for a ultra sound scan i had to have one and this showed the nuromas good luck i feel for you im like this now with my other foot

fridayfever profile image

Feeling exactly the same with my right foot but rheumy doesn't even want to see feet. My second night running and now can't put my foot on the floor. Burning searing pain and no obvious swelling that anyone can see and understand. Can't take anything stronger than paracetamol. This is pushing me to my limit today, but hopefully we will manage some relief xx

linda-5502 profile image

Thanks to all who responded to my it is sooo good to know people understand xx

Barfox profile image

I had the same problem with my little toes. I told doctor The pain was different to RA and I may have Mortons Neuroma so had X-ray and scan. Turns out my joint between toe and metatarsal had disintegrated. I then had bone scan and turns out I also have osteoporosis. Fortunately found that out before it got too bad so now on medication for that too. Don't let doctors dismiss your problems without investigation.

Lesley_ann profile image

Hi Linda,

I have been in pain with my right foot for the last year and its got worse since last October. Like some of the other posts rheumy not really interested. While seeing my gp on a routine visit I mentioned my foot and she made an appointment with a podiatrist, 2 weeks later she told me she couldn't help as I have rheumatoid feet !! But she rang and got me an appointment with a podiatry surgeon. I saw him a few weeks later. In his words in my case RA had attacked the cushioning on the soles of my feet, this padding protects your bones when we are on our feet and mine as been pushed under my toes this as then caused my small toes to bend under the toe next to it. Its also pushed the side of my bone outwards similar to a bunion, while when my heel touches the floor it can send a shooting pain in my ankle. Basically as he said I'm walking on my skeleton.

I'm now awaiting a op first on my right foot (the worse) first, unfortunately I can't have this until the weather's a lot warmer as I have pulmonary fibrosis caused by RA and because my lungs are damaged I have a lack of oxygenated blood so having an op on my feet ( my extremities ) needs warmer weather to give my feet a good chance of healing.

I'm not saying you have the same problem Linda but even so you do have a problem with your feet so I would see your gp about a referral to a podiatrist, at least they specialize in feet so more helpful to you.

Hopefully my experience may help someone, hoping you have a better Sunday, take care Linda x

linda-5502 profile image
linda-5502 in reply to Lesley_ann

Yes I will why don't rheumys listen and nit be so offhand we know our own bodies thankyou for all your help.and advice I am going to hp soon xx

Phoo2 profile image

Oh sweetheart u are not alone....we understand !!!! Hang on in there! Xx

digger1 profile image

I also had this last Wednesday night 3 o'clock in the morning but not in my toes although I do get that. It was my ankle bone on the outside I was up all night long pain unbearable never had this before but happened again Saturday night different leg is don't see rhuemy for a year and see nurse in may. I have every pain killers known to man like you I am going about like a zombie. Hope you get well soon. Rant over

linda-5502 profile image
linda-5502 in reply to digger1

You poor darling hope you get relief soon xx

KSee profile image

Oh dear...hugs to all of you. 🤗 I'm in the same club, my left little toe is giving me pain all the time.

I work as a Carer with learning disabled people and when I accompanied one to the shops recently, he observed I was limping and recommended I buy a walking stick....but the Rheumy Nurse told me there's nothing wrong with my feet!!! 😠

Hi Linda - I am so sorry for your pain. I had much the same thing... My big toes started turning into the others and that caused a lump on the top of my foot called an exostosis. That made it impossible to wear shoes, and the way I was walking caused me to fall and started stretching my hamstring. It only got better as the RA did, although my rheumatologist did not believe it was RA related until my orthopod told her it was after a bunch of x-rays. I really hope that you feel much better soon. Maybe some prednisone would help if you have some?

linda-5502 profile image
linda-5502 in reply to

I am waiting for appointment for feet so Hooe they say it is.RA and Rheumy will gave to eat hear words take cars thanks for your reply hugs xxxx

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