For NJk73: Here's a dog pic just for you, in... - NRAS


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For NJk73

22 Replies

Here's a dog pic just for you, in celebration of your new found friend. I've waited all my life for a dog. I used to work shifts and was out all the time. At fifty I was made redundant. Then I got really sick. Two years ago I got this chap!

22 Replies
allanah profile image

He's gorgeous xx

Crusee profile image

What a handsome boy Hidden

Bet he's good company and lots of fun.

Take care.



You will meet a whole doggie circle of people. Some lovely, some not. Some completely cracked. But you know the old saying...'blessed are the cracked for they let in the light!' Haha

Cathy777 profile image

Oh what a beauty! I often get tempted to get a dog but worry if I can't take it for a walk when its icy out or I am not up to it.

in reply to Cathy777

Yes Cathy that is a big consideration. I have fallen several times (only yesterday to be precise!).

Dogs are pretty messy too, so someone who is house proud would be driven nuts. Then there is the expense. Dog food doesn't cost much, but the need flea and worming tablets. Plus I pay for full insurance.

She was hospitalised last year with E. coli. Thank goodness for the insurance. I still had to pay 100 pounds, but my vet is great and lets me pay it off late if I'm strapped for cash. He knows I'm good for it.

I don't pay grooming, as I do all that myself. Overall the benefits to me me far outweigh the negatives. He is pretty much an emotional and physical support for me. I suffer from crushing depression. He keeps me on a schedule. Wakes me at 7am to drag me out of bed.

I do swap doggie walking with neighbours. It was through Shep that I began to socialise and meet people. Left on my own, I would have hidden away. Now folks keep an eye out for us, and will walk the dog if I'm sick. I also have a fabulous dog walker for when I'm stuck.

It is hard at times to walk, and sometimes I'm really too tired to go far. On these days I sit in the park and throw balls for him. Someone always stops and chats. It lifts the soul .

Cathy777 profile image
Cathy777 in reply to

Yes I can understand how animals can be an emotional support. I think you are right that the down sides are outnumbered by the benefits. I think I would get a small doggie. You really are tempting me! What's his name?

in reply to Cathy777

He was already named Shep when I got him. I would have called him Hector!

My little dog is named Ravin (because she can drive me raving We decided on a small dog because my hubby said our yard is small. My hubby never had a dog and he thought small dogs don't need big spaces to run... Boy oh boy was he wrong...I didn't care what size the dog was, I just wanted a dog. Hubby never wanted a dog, so a small dog was a compromise....or so he thought lol :)

My hubby is so in love with our dog, he can't imagine life without her. He even wakes up at 4am (before he goes to work) and they watch reruns on tv of "The Littlest Hobo" lol.

Small dogs are easier to clean up after. So now that I have RA I' think the choice of a small dog was the best decision for us.

in reply to

I live in s flat, so no garden. However, I am surrounded by countryside! Yet!

Ravin is a good name.

in reply to

I love walking my dog. All dogs need excersize and it's the only excersize I get now. Ravin's joy of running and sniffing makes me happy even on my darkest days.

We might move to an apartment next year as I'm finding it difficult to walk up the stairs. I will miss just opening up the door to our yard for Ravin to relieve herself when it is snowing though. Oh well c'est la vie . :)

crispym profile image

We got our Golden Retriever (Poppy) as a puppy last October (2015), we'd been dog less for about 3 years since we lost our Border Collie to old age and German Shepherd to stomach cancer, and missed having them about.

it's been a tough year for us all, as at 6 months old Poppy was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and arthritis and couldn't go on a walk of more than 20 minutes before she was in pain - despite being on anti inflamatories and was facing the prospect of hip replacement surgery in August.

However 2 weeks in Devon, running about on the beach with my kids got the last of her puppy weight off her and she was walking, running about for an hour at a time twice a day as well as now being able to jump up on the sofa's and boy can she run fast when she's got hold of something she's not supposed to have - usually socks or pants and no preference to clean or dirty ones either!

We saw the specialist on our return home and he agreed surgery was no longer necessary at the moment and she may never need it providing we keep her weight in check and she gets her exercise. BTW she's not even on pain meds anymore just a once a day supplement!

She was the last of her litter to find a home and she's my special girl, we know when each other is having a tough day and are often found cuddled up on the sofa together, when she's not sitting on my hubby's lap!

I believe she was meant for us given both of us have our conditions and I wouldn't have it any other way, we support her and she is definitely my lifeline, my reason for getting up and getting on with my life as best I can.

in reply to crispym

Really glad she is better. I agree walking and keeping dogs trim is much kinder for them. I see some very fat labradors on my walks. They are a notoriously greedy breed, and need to be watched. Shep is in tip top health.

You'd think I'd be slimmer given all the walking I do. Perhaps I was a Labrador in another life!

crispym profile image
crispym in reply to

Yes many a time hubby and I have been told she's underweight by other dog owners. The trouble is many people just see overweight dogs rather than dogs kept at their correct weight for their size and breed. Pops is in brilliant health considering and I'm hoping for a lot less vet visits in 2017!

I'm with you on being a lab or Goldie in a previous life, I walk a lot yet I seem to be putting weight on not shifting it lol!

in reply to crispym

Hehe. I was concerned about my dog at one point because everyone was telling me he was too thin ( I feed him correct amount). So I took him to vet, who weighed him and told me he was on the peak of health . She also said that there are far too many fat dogs in the village.

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to crispym

That's a lovely story,and truly describes the bond that we have with our fur babies. I've said it all along,I'd much rather have to force myself out of bed on a freezing cold day,just so I can wrap up(and the dog has their coat too) and feel the bracing wind on my face - there's not much better for the soul to make you truly feel alive.... and I've also be known to go through the woods at 4.30am with a torch just so we could be the first ones out on a beautiful crisp morning to watch the sun come up over the hills and trees - it beats medication hands down!!

Here's to all the four legged 'menders' that are in our lives xx

Nickijk73 profile image

Sorry Hidden ,I've only just seen this for some reason. Shep's truly a stunning dog,and I can see why he'd keep you fit - I'd love to have had the nerve to have got a bigger dog,but after already spending a fair time in a Powerchair because of bad flares and drugs not working,I just couldn't take the chance. Luckily I have my parents 3 nutty mutts(brandy a lab,Charlie a springer spaniel and dougie a shippoo) to have plenty of play dates with,so I get to have all the fun of their antics,and non of the strain on the lead 😝

Nicki xx

14penny profile image

He is beautifull I bet you love him to bits, I know I could not be without my little Cavalier Maisie they are greaqt little friends wishing you better health!

mary4444 profile image

what unusual colouring nettie he is a very handsome dog how old is he i know how much u love him as i do read all posts enjoy be happy lv mary xx

in reply to mary4444

Thank you Mary

He's 3. Not so much fun's tipping it down, and the fields are bogs! Dog stinks!

I probably bang on too much about the dog. Any things better than focusing on the pain.😳

mary4444 profile image
mary4444 in reply to

hes only young lol not dog walking weather today i just been round the shop and its tipping it down and no u dont bang on to much about the dog and yes anything better than pain lv mary xx

Rednoseday_01 profile image

Happy new year everyone fingers crossed we all have a good one ....awww the dog is a beaut I would be lost without mine he always knows on our walks if im struggling he slows right down love him to bits

Nickijk73 profile image

Hi Hidden

It looks as though your page has been hidden - I hope that everything's ok,and you have support and good people around you - if not,and you just need a break,then I understand,and wish you well. I hope you don't stay hidden for long though,as I'd miss your anecdotes - you always manage to bring a smile to my face,wether it's catching your chest in the bus doors,or falling when out with the dog..... it's the sort of things that tend to happen to a lot of us,but not many see the funny side and post them as you do.

Here's wishing you good health and a hug if needed

Take care

Nicki xx

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