Does anyone else feel nauseous at just the thought of taking their meds? When I was first diagnosed with RA I went on a trial testing Etanercept with MTX. We had to inject either the Etanercept or placebo and it got to the point with me where I could hardly bear to even look at the boxes of stuff in the fridge as it made me feel so sick. Yet, I ultimately found out I was injecting the placebo so I couldn't even blame it on the drug.
Up till recently, my GP had started prescribing my current MTX dose as a single tablet which is quite big but I used to swallow it without any issue. But then I started dreading Fridays as just thinking about taking the tablet made me feel ill. I'd even skip a week - sometimes two - to avoid taking it. I asked the GP to go back to prescribing it in 2.5 tabs but I still get that feeling of dread and nausea. So now I bury each tablet in a small piece - about a centimetre maximum - of Milky Way chocolate. I hold each piece in my mouth till I feel it's just dissolved enough to swallow.
And yet I don't feel sick after taking it. Just the thought of it. Anyone else get like this?