So I've just had a visit from the nurse to start the Etanercept injections and she's told me that I can't take MTX and Etanercept on the same day... I take my MTX on a Sunday, that way I get my weekend and can have my rubbish day Monday before I'm back to work, with her suggestion I'll be losing my weekends! Does anyone else take both of these drugs and what is your routine? I'm annoyed at the thought of losing more days to just feeling unwell 😒
MTX and Etanercept: So I've just had a visit from the... - NRAS
MTX and Etanercept

Personally I dont feel bad after the biologic injection. So hopefully you should be ok. Did u chat about your folic acid dose if your mtx makes you feel bad. ?
I’m on both. I don’t have a problem with Biologic.i take it at tea time so if any side effects I sleep them off.
Methotrexate Sunday etanercept on Wednesday. I was advised not to take both on the same day
MTX on Tuesday (extra hour in bed Wednesday) and Biologic on Saturday with no effects whatsoever...
My specialist nurse told me not to take them both the same day, she said my immune system would get a double whammy, told me to have a few days in between. I inject enbrel on a Friday and take mtx on Monday. I've been lucky, I haven't had any side effects from either.
Did you ask why you couldn’ take the two drugs on the same day? I doubt your nurse said it without reason....
Before we are settled on a drug regime that suits us ....we unfortunately often have to grin and bear it!
But ask why next time you see your nurse.... I wouldn’t just try it if I were you it might make you feel very poorly.
Don’t think like that........convince yourself everything will be fine.
Maybe calm down your social life for the first couple of doses & give the drugs a chance..
Be’s the only way to go!
I was told to take MTX and Biologic on different days too. Nurse said that initially it was to help identify which drug was the culprit IF I had any side effects and long term to spread the immune suppressing effect over a longer time period.
And like others here have said, no appreciable side effects from Biologic. Take it in the evening and sleep through.