In pain w/o swelling is this possible? I've been diagnosed with RA a year ago. I'm on methotrexate and on the highest dose. I now have to add another medication. I'm a teacher which isn't helping my condition. I have it in my hands, wrists, elbows and my feet. A new condition is my right knee.
In pain w/o swelling am I crazy? Is it possible? - NRAS
In pain w/o swelling am I crazy? Is it possible?

No your not crazy and like myself being sero negative my bloods also show normal as well
I am a teacher as well. Diagnosed approximately one year ago with Seronegative RA and I also struggle with MTX. Very lethargic after and not getting full relief. Feet and back are my worst parts. Need to try something else. Best of luck on your new meds. Keep us posted.
I'm getting a FMLA with specific accommodations to help. My RA doctor is doing that now. If it's accepted I'm praying it will help lessen the amount of time I'm on my feet, and have small breaks during the day when I need them to help with the exhaustion. Maybe you could do the same?
You bet it's possible. I've had seropositive RA for 13 years... I rarely get much swelling but often have some serious pain.
I was diagnosed earlier this year after a high anti ccp test, I too have no swelling but my pain is dreadful, shoulder, hands, knees and ankle, I work in a school and I'm seriously considering asking them if I can drop a day ! I'm so wiped out constantly xx hope you start to get some relief from your new medication xx
Thank you for your support! I'm having my RA doctor filling out FMLA papers with accommodations that will hopefully help me during the day. Are you able to do this as well where you work? If it's accepted the school will have to go with it since it comes from labor laws. Hopefully this is something you can do as well.
Hi Lragan and everyone who has replied. I was diagnosed in 2014 and am on Methotrexate cut from 25mg to 17 due to now having normal blood tests. I too have rarely any swelling but lots of discomfort, weakness and pain and have noticed exercise is a great reliever - half an hour on my static bike and some pretty active Kundalini Yoga is amazingly effective. In Kundalini Yoga it is said that 'the body has all the medicine it requires, we just need to know how to access it' - aerobic and stretching exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural pain relief. I am a fan of the Paddison Programme where it is recognised that exercise is at least 40% of a recovery process. I exercise every joint (look up Michelle Rubin's "Yoga for Seniors" on You Tube) and Kundalini (check Maya Fiennes) and bike riding most days. When I don't I certainly know it. Hope this helps.
No, I don't think you are crazy....this DANG RA is!!! I too have this odd sharp burning pain that comes and goes. It's maddening!!
For sure, pain without it looking like you have anything wrong. Sometimes (not for very long, I must say) I think it would justify my groaning if I had a few swollen knuckles so others could see what the problem is, rather than just general, random wincing and yelps for no obvious reason.
Such is the disease...
I was a teacher until I stopped working last year - just couldn't do the job any more! I was diagnosed with RA in 2004 and have pain in most of my joints including my neck and back, but rarely and swelling.
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I'm contemplating the same thing if my school does not accept the FMLA accommodations. I can't make it through a day without being in serious pain, low patience, and being utterly exhausted. I come home walk like I've been hobbled and have nothing to give to my husband and son. Which is wrong and adds guilt, pressure, and depression.
I was fairly lucky because I was coming up to retirement when I decided enough was enough (I went a year early) but the final straw was an ofsted that showed failures in management and would need more frequent inspections. Teaching is a stressful job anyway, but inspections always brought on flare ups afterwards, leading to a period of time off work, and my RA always being worse afterwards. I have to say it isn't any better now really, and I have to force myself to take the dog out (bought after retirement to make sure I kept mobile) but I haven't had a flare since stopping work. A big bonus is out of term time holidays - off tomorrow in our caravan to the Lakes for a week.
I've just been told I probably have RA but can't get in to see specialist until Dec. I ask the same question because I hurt a lot but no swelling. I've been told you can have without swelling.
I'm learning that you can from others on this site, however seeing the specialist they will consider it being something else. I was diagnosed with blood work and I had swelling. I'm not sure where you live or what medical plan you have but I would keep notes so that when you do go in it may help you.
Before you got any of these symptoms, did you take any antibiotics, such as levaquin, cipro?,any fluoriquinolones??
I am sorry to break this to you guys, but I am sore negative or I was , I had no swelling, but I am starting to, because I had no swelling I thought there was no way I had RA, they have made a mistake, it took me a while to take the meds, now I am on the meds only 3 half weeks in
so just because you haven't any now, doesn't mean its not going to come the swelling
The post is a couple of years old now Veronica, I would think questions have been answered or solved, though it was a pertinent reply I'm not sure who's still active on the site to reply. It's been brought live again by Nellnell000 (above your reply) asking her question about antibiotics. She probably didn't realise being new to check when the original post was started.