of me keep complaining about my back pain. Still waiting for an appt. to the neurosurgeon which is six weeks since the dr reffered me and i haven't heard a thing from the hospital. Also no idea when i am getting a pain infusion so have asked the dr to refer me back to the hospital that did the last lot of infusions.xxxx
stopped posting because i thought you would be fed up... - NRAS
stopped posting because i thought you would be fed up.....

Don't be a nutty young lady, that's why the group exists, it is here so that we can moan and groan at/to each other, am I right or am I right ????????Personally I look forward to your posts whether your moaning or groaning or I'm moaning or groaning it don't matter do it??????. I suggest to get your glad rags on and sing us all a song, your left bones connected to your knee bone and so on and so forth, cheer up Honey, we are all here for each other.
Aww thank you for that Philip,it just felt that all i do is moan and i try to be the cheer leader and just laterly i am finding it hard to do that. Winter is coming and life is always hard for me going into winter,but hey ho you brought a smile to my face and i will try and sing that as the day goes on.xxxx
We're all still here. Still listening - if not always responding - and feeling it with you.
I too have back pain but more than manageable most of the time. I have a fibreglass 'stick' called a Theracane which is great for getting around to my back to provide specific pressure and massage to the parts of my back which my arms can't reach. Some gentle pressure and running up and down the affected muscle fibres is so nice. Only if your issues are muscular, mind! Pressure on affected joints and vertebra is probably not a good idea!
It would still work well for associated muscle tension around any affected areas, and for when you get pain related to posture changes associated with feet being too sore to walk on, so your gain changes and that gets reflected up your back.
And a tennis ball held against a wall (put it into a sock/tights to hold it in the right place in your back over your shoulder while you get into position) with you moving against the ball can also be good. Seen that advert on TV where a bear is scratching it's back against a tree? That kind of thing. Assuming you can move to such a position...
I hope the hospital comes through!
I have 2 not 1 but 2 crushed discs in my spine and once it's packed with pain killers I'm good to go, well hurts more when I get a draft in it lol, so what I do is get a pair of my dads big y fronts and pull them up to my arm pits, but I do make sure dads not still in them lol.
Afternoon Sylvi.
As Philip says this is what the forum is all about so if you want to vent or ,moan and groan then go for it.Were all in it together come rain or shine.And the people on here will listen to you and support you Sylvi.
You have had a very trying time over the last few months and plenty of reason to moan and groan so if you can't do it here where can you do it.?
You have given good advice and help to others so now it's our turn to reciprocate.
We will do our best to get you back on top,of the cheerleaders board.
And if you're going to sing well what about that Michael Jackson number we talked about a while back? "don't stop till you get enough"............?-- lol
Take care Sylvi.
Oh darling i can rely on you can't i darling. I went to bed this afternoon and have had some sleep But got woken up by the binmen so i am going to go and get a cup of tea as my mouth feels dry.xxxx
Thank you all for your support i really didn't think anyone would care,thats how bad i have been feeling.xxxx
Everybody cares Sylvi as we all have a good idea of how each of us is feeling on these bad days.
There is nothing we can do medically to take the pain away but we will listen and do all we can to lift your spirits and give what we consider to be helpful hints.
Our bin men come around 5.30 in the morning and yes they certainly let us know they are around.
So feet up,cuppa at the ready and look through your vast collection of pics for a super cheery one for tomorrow.
Take care.
Sadly i can't look at my photos as it needs looking at as it has stopped working. I think it will soon be time to look for another laptop.xxxx
Oh Sylvi that's such a shame.
I hope you haven't lost those lovely photos and that they can be recovered from your old laptop.
Treat yourself to a new one.
Nothing lasts these days does it?
I blieve it is the battery inside the laptop according to the man who is going to fix it for me.xxx
Hopefully it is just the battery and that should be easily put right.Then you can get on to the pictures again soon.
I am going away tomorrow all packed and ready to,go but hubby has warned me not too much shopping when we get there as not much room left in the car now.Scooter has filled the boot,scooter seat on back seat of car along with our bags.Battery unit and battery charger and shoes in the footwells so I have been warned.
But hey I can hide stuff everywhere.- hee hee.
Take care I Will be thinking about you.
where are you going darling.xxxx
Off to Jersey and taking the car so we can take my scooter to get around
Post all you want sad or happy it's good to know you are there 😊
Keep posting girl, keep posting - but do remember to attach the flower photo cos I love looking at your garden 😎
Post all you need to. This is the place where people know what you are going through and we get through it together.
Although I am not not sure if there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. I have been in it too long.
I'm lost in the tunnel looking for the light too.
I'll never be fed up with the nice lady with the crazy hair

AWW THANK YOU DARLING,I AM HAVING IT DONE AGAIN ON tUESDAY SO i will see if i can post some photos from the main computer uostairs.xxx
HI Sylvia
I have only posted a few times over the years I have been on this site, but check it every day. Usually because I am so worn down to respond, but I have always been in awe of your resilience and delightful posts - you put me to shame , when I see what you have been going through. I feel that you are an old friend in that I have followed you through your journey and supported so many others.
Please go on letting us know how you feel and I will pluck up strength to give you support.
Hi Sylvi, hope you are feeling a bit brighter today.
Oh do post whatever you like, whenever you feel like it. I've found it such a relief to be able to have a moan here, where everyone understands what it's like, and your photos have cheered us up all summer xx
We are hear for YOU so complain away, don't ever feel bad for posting.
Sorry to hear you are still waiting, my brother in law is in the same boat with a slipped disc and they have a new baby and a toddler.
Unfortunately there will be people in the waiting list with tumours so an urgent referral can take months.
It's definitely worth chasing up though incase referral gone astray as they often do!
Take care
Love Kiki
Awh Kai lovely Michael when he still looked like Michael.
Great song!
Don't be daft we are all here to listen n help if we can as you help us.
Hope you feel better soon.
Colourfull lady !
Love your hair
Dee xx
Don't be silly Hun we're all,in the same boat on this site it's great that you can chat to people who know what your going through xx
Hope you are feeling better today, Sylvi, and that you soon get that hospital appointment.