Day one of the new me, so excited.: I never would of... - NRAS


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Day one of the new me, so excited.

20 Replies

I never would of thought that I would be spending my 1st morning of being painfree crying. My emotions are all over the place.

I jumped out of bed this morning after 4 hours of sleep....Yes I jumped out of bed. I did not flap around like a beached whale....I am still swollen, but nothing like I was just 14 hours ago. My wrists and ankles feel weak, but the vice grip feeling has gone.... I put socks on my feet for the first time in 9 months.... all by myself. I picked up the coffee pot and poured myself a cup of coffee...I think my 8 pound dog was shocked that I picked her up and cuddled her.... I keep telling myself "Baby steps Sue, Baby steps..." I want to do a cart wheel....I haven't done that since I was 12....The last thing i want to do is break my weak arms and steps Sue, baby steps... I'm going to take my dog for a walk in the park across the street..

20 Replies
Moomin8 profile image

Such great news! Thanks for sharing and long may it last x

gwynedd profile image

Wonderful Sue. No more beached🐋 for you my gal 😂😂x

MickeyJoints profile image

I'm so pleased for you Suzanne! It gives me hope that the wretched MTX I've been on for quite some time may just work.

I too would like to have the rediscovery of actions and movement that has been increasingly difficult to achieve. I could imagine that you would want to bound over tall buildings and run everywhere.


JacquiThomas999 profile image

Glad for you. Gives us all hope.

Ali_H profile image


popsmith1874 profile image

Great news really pleased for you xxx

Cathy777 profile image

Wow that is some news! Yes don't do cartwheels just yet! But I can feel your excitement even so far away! I hope this is the end of your pain and struggles Sue. You need some TLC at last. X

Mhairi54 profile image

What a lovely post to read! x

Beaches2 profile image

Great news. It's lovely to read good news on here. Enjoy yourself.

AllyWelshDragon profile image

I'm so pleased for you Sue. The MTX has worked for me too. Day off work today and I'm going to the gym! I never thought I'd feel this good again in a million years. There is hope, there really is!

in reply to AllyWelshDragon

I can't wait to go to the gym again. My hubby bought me an elliptical for my birthday a month before I was diagnosed. So needless to say, I never got to use it. Time to dust it off.

KSee profile image

Aww...I'm so excited for you! Thank you for sharing your joy 🌸🌷🌹🤗🤗

MrsBones123 profile image

That's brilliant news, so happy for you, and gives us all hope! :-) Enjoy your 'new' moveable joints, and cuddling your dog ;-) xxxx

Mandalou profile image

Did you have a lovely walk?

You are so right to say baby steps because in your new found freedom you don't want to overdo it.

Really really pleased you are pain free!

I lay down on the floor yesterday to show my Mum how things have improved and she was shouting ' oh my God, don't do it, don't do it!'

She was amazed at the mobility I have now the inflammation is less.

For the first time last week I managed to curl my legs under myself on the sofa in over a year.

On that note, I'm off for my blood tests.........

Never ending but your post has really made me happy.

Best of luck to you


in reply to Mandalou

Isn't it amazing how excited we get to move our legs? My knees are still swollen, but I can get off a chair without asking anyone for help.

Long may it last for us!!!

Jmrose profile image

Awesome !!!!!!! Thank you for sharing and giving others some hope 👏🙂

linda-5502 profile image

Oh you lucky thing what Meds are you on I could do with some of that. So pleased for you long may it continue xxx

in reply to linda-5502

I was on hydroxy 400 mg and sulfasalazine 35000mgs for 2 years. My rheumy didn't want me on mtx because he said I had mild RA. So I was left to suffer for 10 months and become more disabled. I left work and went on disability. I was disabled, in pain and broken inside when my husband carried me to our GP.

Our GP was mad that my snowballing symptoms were being ignored. When he saw my jaw "falling off my face" he fast tracked me to a new rheumy.

I am now on 10mg mtx, 2500 mg sulfa and 300 hydroxy. I see my new rheumy in October to adjust my mtx if needed.

Once I am stable, I will be making a formal complaint to our governing health board with the help of my MLA ( voted in government officail).

AWESOME!!!!! That is such a wonderful feeling and day! Congratulations Sue!

Because I'm Happy!!!, Like that's what I wanna do :)

Exactly how i feel

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