Anyone suffer with the shivers after injecting mtx.? It starts about an hour afterwards, I have to go get a jacket or such like to warm myself up. Doesn`t last for too long, just wondered if this is normal or am I just weird ( or possibly both !)
METHOTREXATE INJECTIONS: Anyone suffer with the shivers... - NRAS

Yes and I get stupid and angry???
Hi, I get dizzy, as in lose my balance a bit and do wee wobbles. There is an associated body 'weirdness' to go with it, but I guess as it's a cytotoxic drug I expect to have oddness.
But shivering is interesting... I'd suggest it's within the lists of adverse reactions - well, everything seems to be! Not weird, normal.
The condition we have is definitely weird though!
Maybe it's delayed nerves when you subconsciously realise that you just stuck a needle into yourself! Not weird - even though it's easy, I still have to have a little ritual to physc myself up before I inject.
Hi I also have to physc myself up to give my self the injection. I feel like I am going to be sick just before and I have a burning pain when I have done the injection. I then have a pain all down my leg that lasts for about 5 mins
I find now that before I inject myself , I get queasy with the smell off the antiseptic wipe which is weird and just another day in our RA life's