Hi, I'm new here. I am alone with my conditions and have minimal contact with the world around me. Being a loner does not help as trust, honesty and loyalty is a big issue for me and I think I am a burden to my family and society.
Is anyone out there please?: Hi, I'm new here. I am... - NRAS
Is anyone out there please?

Hi welcome never feel a burden it hard being alone a lot of people are you made a good move coming on here you will find yourself among people that understand

Thank you Junebee.
Hello Neezie!! Welcome to this site. There are lots of friendly people on this site.
Take care
There is nothing wrong with being a loner, just as long as you aren't the one who can't be trusted or honest...lol

Thank you Suzanne. Although only 67 years old, I have good old fashioned values and morals, no matter how the world reacts around me.
Hi Neezie
I love the picture! Sums up life with a chronic disease.
how about have a think about joining your local Nras support group? You will feel better in yourself if you get out and about and from my experience it's so great to be able to talk to others with this disease. I plucked up courage to talk to people in my clinic waiting room and some of them are my best friends.
How long have you had Arthritus?
Come on here as often as you like.
Gentle hugs

Hi Kiki, thanks so much for your lovely reply. I shall try and join a local support group as you suggest . I was diagnosed round about 2009. I hope I will be able to help others as much as all the people who have replied encouraging me.
Hugs to you too.
I endorse Kiki's warm welcome. . Sorry, too tired right now to type more. Jora
Welcome neezie you will never feel alone on this site xxx
Hiya, great picture ☺☺☺. Welcome to the site. I have found the contributors very supportive xXx
Welcome Nezzie,
Love the picture... Oh boy have I had days like that!!
Hi Nezzie
Like yourself I am also a loner. A big dog lover/lover of all animals and your picture captured me.
Hi Tillie. Do you have a dog? I have a stray cat whose been with me for 10 years. She has arthritis too and suffers epilepsy. She, and the birds in the garden are my constant companions.
I do have a dog but due to a recent Lupus Flare she is being looked after by a friend. So miss my best friend and companion. Nice to know you have same bond with your cat. Funny you mentioning the birds the ones in my garden keep helping themselves to the fruit and sneak off, thats where my buddies walks in park etc loved to enjoy listening to the birds. Would you be good at bird spotting?
Morning Tillie. I hope it's not too long before you have your 'best friend' with you again, and that your lupus flare will pass quickly. I'm afraid my knowledge of birds is limited - this summer I've had about 15 gold crests, 2 robins, 2 sparrows, many blue tits, not forgetting the pigeons and squirrels who devour everything! The cherries had vanished before they even turned red!
Hope you have a good day Tillie.
Good Evening Nezzie
Thank you for your kind words re illness & best friend. Your the first person I have shared this with and it feels good just to let it be out there as to how I feel. Having such high standard issues like yourself being a member of HU has been valuable to me with so many wonderful caring people to gain information. Your very good with birds, envy you with squirrels. Wishing you and cat better days with old arthritis & enjoy being you.
So nice to speak with you and so many here to help you.
Sharing is good Tillie - a problem shared is a problem halved. I find it hard to speak to those close to me as I feel they hear the same story every time - pain, lonely, depressed and probably sorry they asked in the first place, but with HU one does not really have to say these words over and over, because you all already know and understand. I'm going on my painful walk to the shop now (in my socks!) then back home to sleep some more. Hope you weekend goes well.
Hi sweetie and welcom
Love the pic that's my life! Hope you can find some peace and comfort here as there are many wonderful sympathetic warriors here that can make things a little easier to swollow when others dont seem to understand. As long as your on here you dont have to be alone anymore. We are all here with an ear to listen.
Welcome to our nut house, that photo looks like me when I get out of the drain lol I mean bath lol.
I too feel alone sometimes. My husband moved us from my home to Washington State for better job and medical care. I am over 50 now and it is hard for me to get out there and develop a support system like I had. Truth be told I don't like women who are my own age. They are bitchy and are always eyeballing my husband. (my husband is in his mid 30's and I am early 50 ish) I was self made woman before all this medical crap started happening. I put myself thru collage. I was just reaching pinnacle of my career. I was pulling in 50k a year by myself. BAMM RA and all of her bitchy friends showed up in my life. Now, we live on minimalistic 35k a year and I don't work. I have all of this info and Ideas I want to do and my fricking body is like a rock around my neck drowning me. I really hate it. I have a very active mind that will soon be trapped in a useless body. My husband has to help me to take care of our small apartment now. I cant even do that right any more. It's maddening. I am trying to find a way to volunteer or do something with my time, bummer is I am not always reliable any more. Some days I cant get up. Other times it is I have to stay away from certain people because they are sick. Children??? OMG they are walking germ factories. I used to like kids now all I see are crawling germs. Thank Goddess mine are all grown.
So see you are NOT alone!!! There are others here just like you and me.
Cry for 24hrs and then get back up and kick its ass!!! Yes, even soldiers cry.
Blessed Be
Ha ha ha - Hi Desdemona - Sorry to laugh, but I have some of the same issue. My husband is only 7 years younger than me, but there are a lot of divorced and even widowed women out there, and I've had that happen too. I'm blessed that he loves me.
Once your meds are more in alignment with your particular body, you should start to feel better. I was the same way in terms of my job and excellent income, and it does knock your pins out from under you. I have noticed that I have cycles in my response to the meds. For a few days I will feel really bad, then suddenly I will feel much better for a few.
Yeah - I know what you mean about avoiding people when they are sick. For me it my mother in law. She was in Assisted Living and it was much like visiting a daycare center.
I hope things get better for you too

OMG what is it with every woman over 40? They look at my husband, of 11yrs, like he is something to eat. Heck one woman tried to pick him up at the DR's office right in front of me. They see me w/ greying hair & a dull pallor so they think oh, that must be his mother. Best one is they think I am SO sick I can't, "handle his needs," so they are better suited to do so. Last chick grabbed his butt. He calmly looked at her and told her touching him was sexual harassment and assault. My husband is my rock thru all of this. We are soulmates. It just makes me SO angry when strange women touch him or try to pick him up. How do you handle it?
Just smile tell them that he loves me for the "cute little way I get out of bed" (my mother's saying - her husband was 10 years younger). That usually stops them cold.
I have been on my own forever so have no experience of this, but it is so good that your husband spoke up - it confirms his love and dedication to you. As long as he keeps doing that, you have nothing to fear or get upset about - anger will only increase your pain physically and mentally.
I haven't heard these songs in years. Thanks for posting.
Hi Neezie, you definitely won't be alone on this site. I am not alone but I certainly like my own time and space and I had not met anyone with RA to talk to before I joined HU, and my problems felt huge. Now I have lots of others like me to share experiences with. I'm so pleased to hear you have a cat for a companion even if she is getting on in years - pets make the best of friends, they are completely non judgemental and love you no matter what. My husband says I treat mine better than him! (three cats, two guinea pigs and multiple fish ) So welcome, and come back often!
Morning Kai
A little bewildered at your message, but love music and loved those songs - You're right, I'm not entirely alone - I have two adult sons and my cat and one or two good friends, yet I am alone within myself. Some of us can rise above our struggles in life whilst others cannot. Unfortunately I fall into the 'negative' group but I face each day as best I can. Thank you for 'being here' for me and hope you have a good day.
Hi. You will never be alone now you have joined us on this site. We are all in the same boat and we help each other out so welcome and I hope you keep posting as you need support with this illness. x