I had an idea for my post and now i have forgotten wh... - NRAS


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I had an idea for my post and now i have forgotten what it was about......

sylvi profile image
12 Replies

I should have written the post when i had the idea. So now i will just rabbit on about how i feel.

1,chest infection,well it is starting to clear,though i am still bringing stuff up.

2, compressed disc,well i don't know much about this or where abouts it is in my back yet as i haven't seen my dr. I know my right knee is swollen and this is the knee that has been replaced twice. My ankle is also causing me trouble i can't describe what the pain is like apart from it fels sore to touch.

3, RA, my fingers are very sore a lot of the time and are very stiff in the mornings and they lock and i have to crack them to get them going which i hate doing.

4, Fibro,now this is the worst of what is wrong with me. Sheer exhaustion is the mainstay of me these days. Memory loss is something else altogether,i can't remember things that have been told to me 10mins earlier and i can't remember is i have told hubby something and i repeat myself all the time. The pain which i always have and it can be mobile as well and i never know where it is going to be.

5,Sjorgens,well my mouth and eyes are always dry and my mouth is often furry.

6,CFS,well this is lumped with fibro.

The good things in my life......

1, My darling hubby who is my support and my carer. He doesn't get enough regonistion and he should as i couldn't be Sylvia without him.

2, Colouring books,i love my adult colouring books and spend hours when i am resting doing it.

3, My friends who support me online. I know more of you through the mediums of HU,Facebook and without you all i wouldn't cope with the suport you all give me.

4, My scooters that i wouldn't be able to get out and about without them.

5, My hairdresser as she puts all the lovely colours in my hair and perms it as well and she creates me.

I think i have rabbited enough for you. So now over to you all and tell me what inspires you,whats bad about your diseases and anything else as well.xxxxxx

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sylvi profile image
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12 Replies
sylvi profile image

I have some taken already and next post i will find them for you darling.xxxx

You forgot to mention your lovely garden!!! Beautiful :)

gwynedd profile image

Hi Sylvi,

It's always good to focus on the positives in our lives ,although this can sometimes be a tall order!

The inspirations I use to motivate me are:

My loving family, always supportive and my biggest fans.

My daughter, she has severe dyslexia but has still managed to gain a degree in criminology despite negative secondary teachers.

My students, I teach special needs further ed students, all of whom have had to overcome extreme challenges but still maintain a zest for life.

My friends, it has taken some of them a while to understand what I'm going through, but they have educated themselves and have proven to be real friends.

I'm not going to mention my ailments as today is going to be a positive day for positive thoughts😁😁

Wishing a brighter day for Sylvi and all. 🌈🌈🌻🌻

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to gwynedd

Mt daughter and hubby are dylsexic and i told my daughter there was nothing she couldn't do,but she would have to work twice as hard as everyone else in her class. She has come out well she holds down a job and she is a standard bearer for our branch of the british legion and everyone loves her including us.xxxxx

gwynedd profile image
gwynedd in reply to sylvi

That's fantastic Sylvi,

I saw it as my job to instil that attitude in my daughter as well. My mother is dyslexic but unfortunately she comes from a time when it wasn't recognised so she was deemed to be "thick"!! This has obviously knocked her confidence and is still with her today.

Your daughter is lucky she had such supportive parents.

Thank goodness times have changed eh!

helenlw7 profile image

What a lovely post, Sylvi. Although our aches and pains affect us all in different ways, they make us what we are. (That sounds a bit profound for this time on a Sunday morning.)

Kariss profile image

Dear Sylvi, this is my contribution!

I know we are a nation of pet lovers but my little cat is my pleasure. She came into my life when I was at a real low in health and spirits. My RA was raging and I'd yet to find the right drug to help. My dog and three previous cats had all got old and passed away a year apart each whilst I had nursed them all through extreme old age, and my last child had departed for uni. I felt very sad and alone especially as husband refused to retire and was out from 6am till 7pm! I had a job too but that was hard work and took all my energy.

I nearly didn't get my cat as I had vowed no more- I'd had enough emotional stress, and then my daughter went and got a kitten from her riding stables. Well, when I visited her, it sat on my lap and that was it! 'There's still one kitten left in the litter' said my daughter, I resisted but kept thinking about that kitten and told myself if it was still not claimed when she next went riding then maybe, maybe I'd have it. A week later the kitten was still there and of course I succumbed!

That little cat was the best thing that happened for me. She was like a little ray of sunshine come into my life! She was naughty, full of character and hard work (I'd forgotten what tricks young animals play after so many old pets!) - she kept me on my toes and lifted my spirits. I still adore her and she has since been joined by a brother 8 months later from a second litter plus my daughter coming home to live whilst she finishes her PHD (along with the original sister kitten.) It was the start of things getting better for me.

The cats are all grown up now and I'm no longer lonely and sad. My drugs work a bit better; my eldest son got married and now lives nearby with his lovely wife, as does the son who went to uni - he finished with a first with honours of which I am so proud because he has aspergers syndrome and dyslexia so had to work really hard. Also my husband is at last semi - retired! So when I'm feeling miserable I think back to then - the bad time, and I feel better, and it all started with that little cat I wasn't going to have! :)

Sorry this is so long, I get carried away!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Kariss

Kariss i don't care how long your post is darling it was a really cheering post and i think on reflection that was what my post was all about. I too have been low this year due to chest infection and anaemia which i didn't feel well at all for the last six months. I think this chest infection is finally starting to break and gues what winter is on its way.xxxxxxxxx

Kariss profile image

Sylvi, I'm glad to hear you are on the mend at last but don't think about the horrors of winter yet...we have Autumn to come with all its lovely colours and beautiful sunsets first. I love Autumn because the humid summer heat makes the RA in my feet so bad I can hardly walk anywhere and with the cooler weather it usually eases a bit. One thing I do like about winter is that the birds come back to my garden. I live in the country and in summer there is plenty of natural food - seeds, fruit etc to be had so I hardly see them but come winter and they are back on my feeders stocking up and I love to watch their movement and bright little colours from the windows when I can't go out.

Keep on getting well, chest infections do seem to take forever to clear, maybe it's part and parcel of having RA and a compromised immune system :( xxxxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Kariss

I wish i had only ra to contend with,i have fibro and cfs among other things and i suffer with s.a.d. during the winter with the lack of sunlight and my joints don't like the cold weather. Mind you i have suffered with this British weather this summer,one day we were having a heatwave the next it was cold and then the rain.

Never mind i have my lovely hubby and my colouring so i am blessed anyway.xxxxx

Kariss profile image

Do you use a SAD lamp? I have one which comes out every dull day in winter and I really recommend it. I also have a sunlight body clock to wake up to without which I would never get out of bed in winter! I suffer in winter too especially as I have very poor vision and am especially bothered by low light conditions. Ah well, all these things are sent to try us! By the way I love colouring too...when I can see to do it! Xxxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Kariss

I have had a light box,but last year i brought a light bulb that i use in the winter instead.xxxx

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