Hi only my second post in along time .Though I read all the posts every day any way my question is I had a complete hip replacement last Tuesday should I take mix tomorrow morning or not just realised it is tomorrow. Can't sleep hope everyone has. A pain free night x
New hip: Hi only my second post in along time .Though I... - NRAS
New hip

Good luck with the new hip. I have to have it done as well but I am really not looking forward to doing so even though I know the end results will be much better than the pain I am experiencing now. God bless.
How odd that this wasn't discussed with you before hand? Can you ring your rheumy team or the surgeon's team to double check? I've never had a hip done so no experience to offer - but for major surgery you often stop for a couple of weeks before and after so worth checking.
I'd have thought not but it'd be best to ask the hospital there should be a contact number
Most people are told not to take their MTX when they're having surgery, but not all. It depends on your own levels of control. Call and ask; if you can't get hold of your rheumy team, you will have been given a number for the OS post-op team on discharge.
As an aside, there's a great support group on Facebook, the Total Hip Replacement Forum. I got a lot of support there when I had my THR a couple of years ago. Good luck with your recovery!
Hi. I would def get advice about that from rhuemy or GP. I'm 11 months post hip replacement. Early days aren't easy but it will get better.My advice would be to keep up with your pain control, do your exercises 5 times a day and do them on BOTH legs not just the operated one and don't sit in a low chair.. I found the worst part was sleeping on the back and not being able to have a shower for 6 weeks. If we hadn't had had a separate one it would have been three months. By keeping to the rules will benefit you in the end. Very best wishes. Jackie
I've had 3 THR's - first one infected! I seem to recall its once you've healed up, give your immune system a chance to recover, then restart MTX. Ask when you have your stitches/staples removed.
I think the main concern is infection. I think mtx is immunosuppressive so would not be a good idea. Hope you can get through to hospital today
It won't matter to not take the MTX tomorrow, gives you time to find out when to restart it.
I had a R. hip replaced last June. Was told by surgeon to omit one dose of methotrexate immediately pre-op and one dose post-op. My procedure has been very successful. Hope you have the same good result. Sleeping is difficult for the first week or so, but do take the pain relief and you will recover amazingly quickly. All the best.
Regards Pam
No do not take your mtx until your wound has healed. I had both my hips replaced in March 2014 and August 2014 and both times I was told under no circumstances should I take it because of the risk of infection after such a big op and mtx makes us so vulnerable to infection anyway. I had to stop taking it at least a week -10 days before the ops too. Please speak to your admissions nurse and I'm sure this will be confirmed. Good luck.
Hi, I Had a fall when I was abroad last year and had a half hip replacement and was told not to take the mtx as there is a small risk of infection and best to wait around 6 weeks before starting it again.