Hi I have not posted for a while now, I had been feeling down just before Christmas and went to the doctors as I felt my life was hopeless and nothing to look forward to, I felt no joy at anything and was not looking forward to any family get togethers, where as normally I am always the first one to suggest family gatherings. I felt like life was not worth living and my job was getting me down so much. But that was then and this is NOW. Wow what a difference I was put on antidepressants and had a word with my work and changed my days off to sat/sun instead of sun/mon.
I feel a different person to a few months ago and I have stopped my steroids now and have things to look forward to, work is going ok atm. I am still in pain, but not as much as I use to be, my rumey says I am in remission!
I read on here someone did not want to go on antidressants because of all the drugs we take, well to me it made a difference, with in 2 to 3 weeks on them I felt so much better. Just wanted to tell everyone on here that there is light at the end of a long tunnel.
Hope everyone is doing good and thanks for listening.
Take care