Hi! I was diagnosed in Feb. I have tried 2 Dmards that failed to help and I will be starting on Cimzia in the next fortnight. Is there anyone else using this biologic and if so what is your opinion/experience of it please?
Cimzia query: Hi! I was diagnosed in Feb. I have tried... - NRAS
Cimzia query

I'm on Enbrel since April and it's made a difference with my mobility however I still get the odd flare
I have been on Cimzia for a couple of years and find it has helped me a lot. With all RA treatments there are different individual responses. I hope it works for you. If have specific questions please ask.
Hello gaymamma, I have been on Cimzia for nearly four years now. Before I was just on Sulfa and MTX, but it was Cimzia that really enabled me to get back control of my life. So the combination of the three works very well for me. I only read about side effects of drugs if and when I feel something strange is happening. So far I haven't read the Cimzia leaflet. Go for it and I hope it will work as well for you as it does for me! All the very best.
I have just started on Cimzia. I have had 3 "double" loading doses a fortnight apart so far and my next dose will be 1 injection. The injections have been fine. I feel like I have had a slight improvement but it's still too early to know how much difference it will make. I'm really hoping to get mobility back in my knees as I lost that overnight 8 months ago and have been struggling to walk ever since. Also it would be great to reduce the methotrexate. All the nurses I have spoken to have been very positive about Cimzia so good luck!
Cimzia was the second anti tnf therapy I was on. I found it excellent for 6 years, then for some reason it became less effective leading to a major flare this year. I found the fortnightly injections easier to manage than the twice weekly Enbrel I had previously and I had no injection site reactions at all. The specially designed syringes were helpful too. I hope it works for you.
Best wishes
I have been on cimzia for 6 months. 3 DMARDs failed for me. I could barely get out of bed and struggled all day before going on cimzia. After my first injection I noticed an improvement. 6 months later I don't get stiffness anymore but I've still got painful shoulders, elbow & wrist. Although the pain is decreasing as time is going on. I don't know if this is the best I will feel on cimzia or if I will get back to normal but I wouldn't be without these injections they have certainly made me feel a lot better. My next rheumy app is Jan 16. So i will have to see what my consultant says. My daughter injects me as I can't bare to stick a needle in myself. I think all the painful steroid injections ice had over the years have left me with a phobia of needles. Good luck and I hope it works for you. Xx
Hi- I live in BC, Canada and was diagnosed with zero negative RA in June 2014. I was on a variety of different combos of DMARDS for a year and finally was eligible for the biologics and started CIMZIA the end of July 2015 in combination with Methotrexate still and the big improvement is that the nausea diarrhea & mouth ulcer side effects stopped. At week 10 on CIMZIA I started to feel like my body was coming back to me! Keeping my fingers crossed and still working on activities and exercises to maintain my joint mobility and build up strength.
Good luck, cheers Doreen
Ps I am in a fabulous women's resort in Arizona for 2 wks. The warm, dry climate is definitely good!