I'm due to have my left hip replaced Aug /sept. I had my right done 9 years ago. It's been ready for a few years now after having RA flare up since I was 7ish. I'm 54 now so done pretty well. I'm really suffering now due to my job as a Manager in Retail and on my feet a lot. My weekend off is just trying to rest my hips to get ready for next week and see how much I can cope .... I want to be seen as me first RA second which I do well most of the time , but it's coming to the fact I need to say something at work or take some time out sick before my op. Just feeling abit sorry for myself this weekend because until my hips sorted I feel in limbo ...even though I'm on methotrexate for my flare up , which has helped a lot usually , my joints all ache this weekend too. Don't think the heat helps RA suffers. 😓
Waiting for hip replacement and struggling at work now . - NRAS
Waiting for hip replacement and struggling at work now .

I worked in retail a while ago. My experience was that they deliberately fostered a culture which encouraged people to continue going to work when anyone reasonable would take time off.
You are the only one who knows exactly how you feel & what work is taking out of you. I have not had hip surgery, but it is a major operation and I suspect that the recovery period is quite demanding. I doubt your recovery will be helped by you reaching a physical low immediately before surgery.
There will be no medals at work (and likely no thanks either) for soldiering on if you're really not able. Put yourself and your recovery first and decide what to do on that basis. I would not for a second view that as letting the disease win.
(Sorry - I had a pretty negative view of retail when I was inside it & now have a much more negative view Having escaped. They will suck you dry if you let them.)
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I've just rested all day and taken some dicolfenic . You are so right , I know. I think only rest will get me ready for the surgery. The thought of an 11 hour day on Tuesday if really upsetting and by Wednesday I would be unable to do anything. I was able to stay at work longer last time I had my other hip replaced as I still worked in retail but in HR. I think I need to re look at my career after I have my surgery.
The last few weeks and months before a THR are exhausting and painful... I kept working til a week before, mostly because I wanted distraction so I didn't sit at home and worry all day! But I have a desk job, so that is very different from retail. If you can, I'd consider taking some time off before. As you know, recovery from a THR is not easy, and if you are rested, and particularly if you can spend some time exercising and building up your muscle strength beforehand (for example by swimming) you will do better...
You have every right to feel sorry for yourself at this point! I think this is the worst bit - waiting and worrying and not knowing what's coming next... For me, it got better from the moment I woke up after surgery. Good luck! And if you feel you need more peer support, there's a good. lively Facebook group called Total Hip Replacement Forum, where you'll meet lots of other people in the same situation as you.
It's really important that your muscles are as strong as possible and if you can't prepare for the hip relacement properly while working, you will need more time off afterwards.
Your workplace need to understand that!