Anyone on Abatacept? I'm due to have my first injection on Friday. All ready tried rituximab, toxciclumab in the last year & been off work since November.
Hope this works x
Anyone on Abatacept? I'm due to have my first injection on Friday. All ready tried rituximab, toxciclumab in the last year & been off work since November.
Hope this works x
Hi Rachel. I hope it works for you. Im still persivering with tocs injections. Got blood tests again next week so lets see what happens. Good luck xx Alison
Thanks Alison. 3rd time lucky I hope. Good luck with your blood test x
I had Ritux and toc without success before trying Abatacept in November 13 but it took a long time to work (we kept trying as I was running out of options) and it took the introduction of hydroxychloroquine 200mg (I cannot tolerate a higher dose than this or other DMARDs) the following June and a couple of joint injections in the August to make enough difference. I had had nearly 2 years of being very uncontrolled so it took a while for my body to 'work' again. Just had a 3 month break from Abatacept due to a knee replacement and it would appear to be working again. Good luck. Farm
Thanks Farm. I too am running out of options. Not been controlled for about 18 months. It's so frustrating so I'm hoping this works. I've had everything else so it just has to work. Rachel x
Rachel my fingers and toes are crossed for you! I know what's it's like when drugs don't work and I ran out of drugs in 2006 and was treated purely on presnisolone for 15 months waiting for a drug to be approved by NICE. Luckily it worked. Good luck for Friday
Kiki x
It's a nightmare Kiki. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard when it goes wrong for so long. X
Well first injection done. Now I wait again..........
Hi Rachel I've been on abatacept with mtx since April last year. It took a good few months before I saw any effect so you may need steroid top ups to keep you going for a while but when it did work it was fantastic. I had a really nasty infection this year and I am battling to stay on it now as my inflammation is not stable. I wish you all the very best with it and hope it works. I've had no side effects with abatacept which is a bonus.