I have been given three new options to think over I would like advise and feed back from RA sufferers that are on any of these drugs
Methotrexate injections (not tables tried them made me so sick for days)
I have been given three new options to think over I would like advise and feed back from RA sufferers that are on any of these drugs
Methotrexate injections (not tables tried them made me so sick for days)
Leflunomide and Methotrexate are DMARD's which you can self administer whilst Rituximab is a biologic which is given as an infusion in hospital comprising of 2 infusions a fortnight apart to start and then topped up with another cycle after at least 6 months depending on how you respond. The trouble with RD, us and drugs we all react differently and what suits one will not suit someone else. Depends on how badly you are currently being affected whether you stay with DMARD's or progress to the next level. If you can tolerate Methotrexate is some form (many do find that the injections are better) the Anti-TNF's, if you do need to progress to these in time, do appear to response and work better with MTX and many are prescribed in conjunction with Methotrexate.
For me personally my body did not tolerate these DMARDs and did not respond to Rituximab. Farm
Ooops just read on another thread you cannot have Anti-TNF (which would include Enbrel and Humira).
I can't have any anti TNF treatments anymore I was on Cimzia and had a very bad reaction to it after it serving me Extreamly well for years vey disappointing but just bad luck I guess I have severe pins and needles tingling and numbness over my entire body I ended up in hospital for a week I've had every test under the sun and they have now decided that it was the Sims the other cause this is Stu so I will no longer be able to have any anti-TNF treatments
I was on 25mls Methotrexate injections with no problems for 5 years, and one 10mg Leflunomide as a top up. Only stopped MTX due to having chemotherapy, but continued with Leflunomide and still taking it.
Oh heck as if the RA is not enough hope the chemo is working for you?
I inject MTX 25 whatevers weekly, difficult getting over the mental bit of actually doing the injections cos I have a huge needle phobia but....it doesn't hurt and the side effects are much less (no nausea for starters!). Have had hydroxy something tablets added and I've surprised myself how much I can do. It takes time but worth it. Take care of yourself PX
I was on mtx tablets 15mg weekly for about 18 mths and they worked very well for my symptoms. Unfortunately I suffered with hairloss and extreme tiredness. Eventually I also developed a worsening in my asthma and was taken off it. I've now been on Leflunomide 20mg daily for approximately 2 months. My hair is recovering well and I'm not as tired as when on mtx but I'm also not getting very much relief from it. Maybe the drug just needs more time to build up in my system to take effect. I'm not very happy that the Leflunomide bottle states "Do not drink alcohol" as I'm desperate for a Friday night tipple!
I don't think one small drink would do any harm Paulywoo. I'm tea total, but do have a small sherry or white wine on Christmas Day - don't want to overdo it.
I've been on 25mg MTX injections for 18 months and oral MTX for 20+ years. Good stuff in my case! Was on Leflunomide in combo with MTX but sent my blood pressure through the roof despite triple anti hypertensive therapy. Been off Leflunomide for 18 months and blood pressure dropping! Apparently it can take 2 years to clear from your system!
Never tried the other one.