Going abroad and on mtx: Hi everyone, I'm new to this... - NRAS


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Going abroad and on mtx

β€’15 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm new to this site please could anybody tell me about what factor sun cream to use while abroad. As I've heard you have sun sensitivity with taking methotrexate. I also take hydroxchlorine. Thanks guys.πŸ˜ƒ

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15 Replies
hatshepsut profile image

Hi, welcome to this forum!

I use a minimum of factor 30 in this country, rising to factor 50 in warmer climes. I find that I burn really easily now, and it's so easy to think that a couple of minutes won't hurt.......it could!

I'm also on MTX and hydroxy chloroquine, amongst others.

Hope you have a great holiday. M x

in reply to hatshepsut

Thank you m for your reply that's really helped me a lot, I think I will use the higher factor to be on the safe side. Thanks for wishing me a nice holiday πŸ˜€ x

helixhelix profile image

Not everyone gets sun sensitivity so you could be ok - but it's better to be careful to start with as it would ruin your holiday if you're not well protected. And sun cream can cost loads in some places. If I forget sun protection I blister very quickly now and that's miserable! I use factor 50, plus a big floppy hat and shades. And I often have a loose fitting long sleeved top just in case. If you can, don't buy the cheapest brands as they can be a bit feeble. But if you are limited to the cheaper brands then do make sure you put enough on.

Thanks for your advice, I will be sure to have a good sunscreen, I wouldn't like to blister on holiday. And I will make sure I have a big hat and sunglasses, thanks for the advice. Thus forum is great. Helps when other people are on the same medication as myself., to get advice and help when we need it . Thanks πŸ˜ƒ x

nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Ladybrunette68. Firstly welcome to us here though of course I wish you hadn't had need to find us!

Now, you've double bubble, two DMARDs that can cause sun sensitivity so I'm afraid you may find you'll have to take extra care in the sun. That said I lived in the Med for 11 years, 5 of those on HCQ first then MTX & I was fine. I was sensible & covered up in lightweight clothes in the height of summer if I was going to be wandering round & whilst I didn't sunbathe as such, or as you would on holiday, my Consultant did recommend or rather "prescribe" 20 or 30 minutes daily (dependant on the time of year) unprotected sunbathing, his thoughts were to ensure my Vitamin D was topped up naturally. But, & this is a big but, I was acclimatised, I always had some colour so it wasn't such a shock to the system! I didn't burn once all the time I lived in the sun but last year, having returned to the UK in 2012, I burned my legs for the first time ever, anywhere, just by sitting in the garden. Lesson learnt & I wear sunscreen (factor 30) now if my skin is going to be exposed for any time. Many suggest higher factor but I think much depends on your tendency to burn before you started on your meds but be aware that they can cause sensitivity & ensure your top it up if it's not a one application type. Also do take care with HCQ & light sensitivity, I more or less lived in sunglasses when outside for all but a few weeks of the year (& rainy days obviously!) as it made my eyes very dry & as I say sensitive to sunlight. So don't forget to pack your sunglasses just in case. I can't cope with a hat but if you're susceptible to heatstroke particularly do cover your head with a lovely wide brimmed hat, there are lots around in the shops I've noticed.

Other than that have a lovely time! No, seriously, do have a lovely time.....where is it you're planning to go?

Hi nomoreheels thanks for your reply, some good advice also for me there thanks a lot. I will take that on board. I am planning to go to the algarve so I should imagine it will be pretty hot weather there. First time abroad since taking the mtx so I think to cover up well with good high sunscreen, wouldn't want to be ill on holiday. Thanks again πŸ˜ƒx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

You're welcome. I'm sure you'll have a lovely time, don't let RD & your meds dominate but be that bit more mindful, I think that's the way to look at it. I hate to say it but do be careful with how much you drink as well, not only alcohol but keep hydrated with plenty of water, you don't want to stress your liver, particularly with being on MTX & it will be lovely & warm from now on so just bear it in mind & you'll be fine I'm sure. :)

Thanks again, and I know I was told by rheumy to only have 4 units of alcohol weekly. I don't think I will drink alcohol but I wi be sure to keep hydrated with plenty of water. Thanks for your advice and thanks for wishing me a lovely holiday. πŸ˜ƒx

Chuckmarmer profile image

i have two fingers that just started to lock I have heard heating pads are effective at this stage what do you think

Jora profile image

You've had masses of good advice. I can't really add to it, except to say that I now burn in a flash (methotrexate and Enbrel, just come off Hydroxychloroquine). I thought I'd be safe on factor 30, but even on that my shoulders and nose blistered. So, it's Factor 50 now, especially on my 'hot spots'. And sunglasses are very important. I also use Viscotears Liquid Gel ( prescribed). They blur the eyes for a bit, but lubricate the eyes for far longer than drops.

Don't forget to reapply your sun cream after swimming. I'm not sure if they do a water-proof one at factor 50. Last summer I applied waterproof and then factor 50 on top! I am very fair-skinned and Prednisilone has thinned my skin too, so hopefully you won't need to get quite as solar-paranoid as me!

Happy Hols! Jora

Thanks jora some more good advice for me. I'm going to be sure to protect my skin to the best I can, I appreciate everybody's advice, and thanks for the good wishes for my holsπŸ˜€x

angel-delight profile image

Hello Ladybrunett68,

I have just been to see my GP regarding my meds as I am going to Canada later this year. One of the items was sun cream block which I was told to get on prescription it is called Sunsence 50 + and it works really well for me. I put it on twice a day as in Canada it does get into the 30's and I am very fair, freckles and burn easy even before taking these meds.

I hope this helps, take care, Sue

in reply to angel-delight

Thanks sue that really does help a lot I didn't know you could get sunscreen on prescription from your doctor. I will make an appointment with my go to see if I can get some on prescription. Thanks again sue πŸ˜€x

angel-delight profile image

I didn't know either until I was on MTX which makes you very sun sensitive due to the medication. I can't remember if it was Rhuemy or my GP that advised me to get it on prescription as you can't always trust the over the counter type as they don't always protect you as they say.

Anyway, I have asked my GP ever since and he has given me the prescription I need. Most Chemists need to order it though so give them plenty of time. I'm not sure but you maybe able to buy it over the counter at a pharmacy it is called (SunSense 50+)

Good luck as it is expensive. Take care, Sue xx :-)

Thanks sue, I will see my gp, if not I will get it over the counter from the pharmacy. It's worth knowing you are protected from the sun fully. Thanks again ladyB x

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