P I P review.: Well i had a letter from Capita this... - NRAS


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P I P review.

sylvi profile image
25 Replies

Well i had a letter from Capita this morning they are coming to visit me for pip. They are coming to my house to interview. I shook when i got the letter this morning. It has come through very quickly. The question i have does anyone have any tips for me.

The best of it is we are going to Cornwall that day and the appt. is for 11.30am so we have to wait until they have been before we can leave. So it will be late before we get to Cornwall. Scared yes i am am,wondering how it will go.xxx

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sylvi profile image
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25 Replies
miss profile image

Well sweetie they must think your a deserving applicant as they are coming to you. Well thats how I see it. As for your hols it may well be worth getting there late. My fingers are crossed for a good outcome. Xx

Just be your natural self, and don't let them see your suitcases! Not having gone through it myself, not sure what to advise apart from giving answers as two pronged, when my body lets me I can do it this way, when it won't have to do it that way. Ether way I hope you get through it ok, and I can fully understand why the shakiness this morning, its not nice bring tested. Let us know how you get on. xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Of course i will darling. I am shaking just thinking about it,but i am sure it will be fine.xxx

wiliby profile image

It it soon Sylvie? Not nice waiting and dreading especially when you should be looking forward to you holiday 😣 we flew to Bristol last year and ended up staying beside fistral beach newquay (not sure if that right spelling). Lovely part of the country but disappointed at the lack of.local Cornish accents! Xx

nomoreheels profile image

Tell it how it is Sylvi. If you kept a copy of your application form just take a little time to read through it again the morning of the assessment, this will give you an indication of what questions will be asked. Mine were cherry picked, not all were gone through but it will be helpful to be prepared. You may also be asked to do some physical tests. If any are stressful, difficult or painful to do say so & the assessor will understand & likely take notes. If your h will be sitting in on the assessment prepare him & ask him not to answer more than is required, best not to over emphasise what you can or can't do, it's about how your disease affects you & if you're able to do things as they ask "safely, to an acceptable standard, as often as you need to & in a reasonable time". Keep this in the back of your mind when answering & you'll be fine I'm sure.

If you have any further evidence you've gathered since you returned your application form, anything you think may add to your claim you can give it to the assessor who is duty bound to include it with the report sent to the DWP.

Good luck, let us know how it goes when you return from Cornwall. Have a lovely time. x

Forgot to add this link, it's my update when I had my assessment, healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

Poshcards profile image
Poshcards in reply to nomoreheels

Hi, this link doesn't work am I doing something wrong? X

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Poshcards

It opens ok when I click on it Poshcards. Try it again & if it doesn't open if you'd like me to I'll c&p it in a pm for you.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

I did go on it and there is some useful stuff on there.xxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sylvi

Happy to help Sylvi. Do bear in mind that it's the assessors interpretation & observation unfortunately so whatever you scored on the B&W site may not mirror the score you receive. I did the same test & whilst some were the same the mobility part was a farce. In hindsight I wish I'd asked for a copy of the report, I suggest you do just in case you disagree with the award. You may be aware that I fell short on this component as it was considered because I could walk the 15 metres from the waiting room I could also walk 200 metres but this isn't the case if you apply it to the descriptor. In the decision maker's reconsideration the reason given was because "I was observed to walk unaided with a normal pace & gait from the waiting room, a distance of 15 metres". What wasn't "observed" or noted is that my h helped me up from the chair, I limped & as norm placed my feet carefully because they were so sore & swollen & neither my pace nor gait has been normal for quite some time due to cervical & lumbar spondylosis! I sat as soon as I entered the room & if we're being pedantic I didn't claim I could walk less than 20 metres! It was also noted that "neither pieces of evidence received from your GP nor hospital indicate severe walking restrictions. I consider that you are likely to be able to walk in the range of 50 to 200 metres reliably & repeatedly". Of course there was no evidence, despite repeatedly asking my Rheumy hadn't examined my feet or referred me to Podietry for treatment until recently, 3 months after my assessment actuallly so how could any evidence be supplied, my disease activity & damage wasn't recorded? I answered honestly & within the descriptor yet it was dismissed.

Sorry this turned into a bit of a rant, what I'm attempting to show is how assumptions can be made & struggles dismissed or not noted so jump on any if you feel you've been misinterpreted. I sought advice to see if I should take it to adjudication & the majority said not the best idea.

There is the option now of applying under Change in Circumstances but this of course means being reassessed, it's not a speedy process & I don't want to risk the enhanced daily care I was awarded, just in case anybody, being helpful of course, suggests this. x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

I already had dla/esa and i felt i was getting a lot worse and more diseases came into play eg; fibro/cfs/sjorgens thats without my worn discs and joints in my lower back. Hubby will be here with me as well so he can tell them how hard it is for me and him.xxx

helixhelix profile image

I imagine that it's probably a routine review, so they haven't selected you specially, so try not to be too nervous. From the problems you've told us about on here I can't see that there would be any question about you being entitled to it. Before he or she arrives, maybe just remind yourself of the worst days rather than the best days.... And let your H answer the door!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to helixhelix

He will answer the door darling,it is a home visit which surprised me the most so they will know what aids i have anyway.xxx

BoneyC profile image

Have a look on the Benefits and Work website, if you join, for about £20 a year, you can download their benefit guides. I've used them in the past and don't think I would have been successful without their help.

jabedford2000 profile image

If you go on benefitsandwork.co.uk/perso... you can take the test and see if you are eligible. I used this and I answered the question as if it was my worse day. My assessor was lovely and I was awarded both elements of the pip. Wishing you the best and have a lovely holiday.

sheltielife profile image

Hi Sylvi, So, you are coming to Cornwall today! I live here, Mawgan Porth halfway between Newquay and Padstow! People have told you to be natural. I know there isn't much time, but I think you have to make sure they know how bad you are! Stress very clearly what you can't do and if anything make more of it than it is. The reason I say this is that when it was DLA I applied. Someone came round, asked me loads of questions about what I could and couldn't do. I was very honest, in my opinion the wrong thing to do! He asked me could I cook a meal from scratch and I said I couldn't as I couldn't do peeling of veg and also lifting heavy hot pans was near impossible and dangerous if they contained boiling water. I have never been one for putting it on as some of my friends do, plus I am cheerful I can laugh at things. When the report came through it was nothing like what I had said. He actually said I could cook a meal from scratch and loads of other things that were wrong. People said I should appeal as very often they turn you down first time. My pride wouldn't let me I was so hurt. Bad mistake as this was only 2 months before my 60th birthday! Of course, things have gone worse and I am currently using a wheelchair around the home, not only the rheumatoid arthritis but I also have other problems with my feet and legs. Of course I am now 66 and am not eligible for PIP. Not only that I can't get motability. I am having to purchase my car and have a hoist fitted as I can no longer walk far. Obviously I don't know your age so you might not be so close to not being able to get PIP. However be warned. I think it's much the same as when people ask for a pay rise they always ask for more than they expect as they know they will be knocked down! Good luck and enjoy your holiday. Whereabouts in Cornwall are you staying?

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to sheltielife

I am coming on the 30th May to Cornwall to St Ives straight after my interview. I will let you know when i coming down nearer the date.xxx

cathie profile image

I would be really careful not to say you're going on holiday. No hostages to fortune. I assume that you already get benefits so they are just assessing you again. Waste of time, but dont make the mistake of making an effort to be cheerful, if you feel bad, then say so.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to cathie

I shall be so nervous Cathie there is no way i will be cheerful. i do already get benefits and i told my dr. about this this morning and she said there is enough proof that i am ill.Doesn't stop me worrying though.xxx

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to sylvi

Its quite reasonable to feel nervous - its shocking that they should be able to make us feel like this. I'm glad you've got a nice holiday coming up - St Ives is lovely and it shouldn't be too busy at this time of year.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to cathie

I am going to Whitley bay on Monday for five days Cathie then St Ives at the end of May. To be honest the way i am feeling today i couldn't care less if i go or not i am in quite a bit of pain today thats probally why.xxx

cathie profile image

Sounds good Sylvi - both trips. I'm feeling wretched today too, I hope things look up a bit for you later. I think we're planning to go out after lunch and sit in the car with a chocolate muffin and cup of coffee somewhere nice. But it'll be like prizing me out of my comfort zone!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to cathie

That sounds lovely,i don't think we will be going anywhere more today as the freezer has frozen solid so hubby is defrosting that and he wants to get the fences finished painting. Also it is not as warm here today as well.xxx

sheltielife profile image

Hi, Cathie is right really that you shouldn't say you are going on holiday! BTW sorry I mistook when you were coming. That is a great time of year to come to Cornwall, although it will get busy at the weekend as it's the May Bank Holiday. May is my favourite month in Cornwall, although most of yours will be early June, but that's still nice, as a lot of the spring wild flowers are out. Have you been to St. Ives before? If not be aware that the parking down at the bottom is hopeless. There is a car park at the top of the hill with a bus service into the town so it's best to use that. Of course, you may be stopping in the town in which case it doesn't apply. There are a few disabled parking places in the town, but not enough. It's a few years since I have been to St. Ives for that very reason. When I have gone it's tended to be earlier in the Spring or Autumn as it's not as busy then. I hope the weather is good, it's a pretty good time of year for weather, August is often wet. Anyway, as you say contact me nearer the time.

As for your assessment cathie is right I think that's the mistake I made as I said earlier. You would think that they could tell who were the genuine ones without you having to appear miserable due to your illness, but they don't seem to and the same applies to doctors. The number of doctors who seem to think that I am not too bad is incredible as I laugh and joke. I am learning fast!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to sheltielife

I am not telling them that we are going away thats for sure they are going to be asking enough questions as it is. I did the pip questionaire and i scored very high on it,but thats no indicator of how they will see it. Yes i have been to St Ives before and i have a friend down there who like me has ra/fibro and i agree it is a nightmare to park and the paths are so rough it is hard going on a scooter. We don't usually go when the children are on holiday,but hubby got things mixed up this year. Never mind we will still have a good time.xxxx

cathie profile image

I went once when you could park near the St Ives Tate and that beach round by there is quite nice. And the tate has a nice caff right at the top accessible by lift with good views. Oh I wish I was going too!

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