Broken Shoulder and RA, update. : I thought I would... - NRAS


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Broken Shoulder and RA, update.

Mall profile image
20 Replies

I thought I would post to update you on progress and decision as to have surgery or not. Also to thank those who gave such wonderful support during this crisis.

I made the decision not to have surgery but to try the conservative route of leaving nature to knit the bones back together ; shoulder replacement is still an option if this isn't successful. I eventually received a call from my rheumy consultant. He was not as concerned about infection risks due to RA drugs as the shoulder surgeon and thought with planning this could be kept to a minimum. His thoughts were that I should focus on maximising future mobility and offered an early appt if I went into a flare.

My pain is now well under control with paracetamol and tramadol and I have returned to a hospital nearer home for rehab, OT & physio assessment and expect to get home sometime next week. So thanks again to all you lovely folk on the forum. Have a great holiday weekend and watch out for tripping hazards!..

Mall xx

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Mall profile image
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20 Replies
allanah profile image

Wonderful news Mall x and it's great you have various options.

Happy Easter to you too xx

heathersmum profile image

That's great . So glad you are doing much better.

May you continue to get better. Happy Easter.


nomoreheels profile image

Thank you for updating us Mall, I've been wondering what's been decided. I'm pleased that your Rheumy was included to evaluate the options, that must have given you more confidence in the eventual decision & I hope your recovery goes smoothly. Once home you take good care of yourself but if you need help don't hesitate to ask for it. I would think the assessment prior to release will determine if it's needed but if you find yourself struggling when you do get home let your GP know won't you? Equally with pain relief, please if your pain worsens let him know, don't suffer in silence.

Happy Easter to you. x

So happy to hear your update. I did wonder about you as I'm progressing on my own journey. Having been treated conservatively I have finally been discharged from fracture clinic this week after over 13 weeks but continue with the land physios & hydrotherapy which is so lovely & beneficial. If you are able to access hydrotherapy I thoroughly recommend it. I'm so glad your pain is under control as that helps a lot & you will learn to adapt. You sound more positive. Just remember there's no quick fix but you'll get there. Good job we know about pain & patience! Happy Easter . Linda x

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to

Thanks Linda. Hydro therapy sounds great. Unfortunately I live 100 miles from nearest hydrotherapy pool. Can I ask if you are a driver and able to drive yet. Living out in the sticks I am fairly dependent on my car to get around. ?

in reply to Mall

Yes I do drive. I've been told I can but don't feel confident enough yet & I have an automatic so haven't got the issue of changing gear. I don't feel I have enough strength in my arm to manoeuvre & park. It's a personal thing once the drs have said you can drive again. Is there a good neighbour scheme that covers your area? Volunteer drivers are brilliant. Sorry you're so far away from a hydro pool. It's a bit of a journey for me but we'll worth the effort. Did you get some clothing sorted? I found men's pyjama tops good for night as they fitted over my sling & kept me warm having to sleep propped up in bed. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Linda

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to

Still using hospital gowns for sleeping at night but will bear in mind men's pj tops for when I return home. During the day I am wearing large men's shirts which fit comfortably over my arm and have very little weight. I have been thinking about changing my car to an auto matic ". I'm relieved that driving is still possible. Thanks


Tricialuty profile image
Tricialuty in reply to

Hi just joined this forum and wondered if you could give me some advice. I broke my shoulder 12 weeks ago and it's healing well but the physio is so painful and I'm in slot of pain all the time with all the exercises I have to do every day,also my fingers are very swollen and painful is this normal, thank you 

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to Tricialuty

Hi Tricia, sorry to hear that you broke your shoulder too. Its a very painful injury. I started physio 7 weeks after falling. Initially the exercises were passive, not weight bearing and very gentle. Each new exercise was painful for some weeks after commencement. I was advised to build up slowly the number of repetitions, and told to do small numbers of repetitions 3 or 4 times a day to begin with. I was advised to not overdo it and to cut down the number of repetitions if the pain lasted longer than a relatively short period of time, I think it was 30 minutes after ceasing exercising. If you are seeing your shoulder consultant again soon ask him about the exercises.  I know that at the point of starting physio I still had a gap between some bone fragments. My fractures were as bad as they get, the ball was in several pieces. My shoulder specialist did advise me not to over do the exercises or be bullied by the physios into over doing it. I did find that the physios were quite careful in not pushing  my shoulder too far.

I didnt have surgery due to my compromised immune system because of the RA drugs. I still sometimes have some pain which wakes me at night when I turn over in bed and will always have some restricted movement. In general the pain is  manageable without pain killers and doesn't bother me during the day. Surgery which would involve a shoulder replacement is still an option for the future if the joint deteriorates, this would involve me coming off the immune suppressant drugs  beforehand.

I would see your GP about the swollen fingers, I did have some swelling around my wrist for a time but not excessive; but yours sounds more serious and shouldn't be ignored. 

I am an avid gardener so I do work my arm doing "normal" activities now and rarely do the set physio exercises. I just cant reach above shoulder level and have learnt to live with this as no amount of exercise will change this.

 If I over do it it will ache. I found that the excersise where you lean slightly and let your arm dangle down and gently let it swing freely eases it and is quite comforting. The physio told me that this allows blood to circulate in  and around the joint and is a good one to both start and end your exercise session with. I also had a few massages on my back neck and shoulders from some one who knew what they were doing especially around my injured shoulder. I found this helped with pain in the early days as it relaxed all my  muscles especially the ones compensating for the injury. It is was an expensive luxury but worth every penny. 

Do talk to your Dr about your swollen fingers and the pain after exercising just to make sure every things ok. It is an injury that takes a long time to recover from. Its my first anniversary of breaking my shoulder and I am almost back to normal, minus some movement, I'm driving, gardening, and finding ways round things I cant reach to do, so don't despair, it will improve.


in reply to Mall

Hi Mall Where has the time gone since our accidents?! Glad you're doing OK albeit with restrictions. It's good to be able to get outside again after a miserable winter. We haven't had a bad winter but have had snow this week. Not sure what it's been like in your neck of the woods. Best wishes,  Linda

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to

Good to here from you. Weather been windy wet here, snow still on the mountains. Just about to venture off for a long deserved holiday, first after the fall. Take care


in reply to Mall

Have a fabulous time. We had a few days in  the Trossachs and Edinburgh earlier this month. Any news on your gall bladder treatment? 

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to

Gall bladder was fine so had a scope of stomach. Problems put down to acid due to anti inflammatories. So trying to cut down on them.

Tricialuty profile image
Tricialuty in reply to Mall

This was really interesting thank you for replying, I think I'm being a bit impatient but hadn't heard about anyone having the swelling in their hands after 12 weeks I still have a some swelling and bruising down my arm so maybe when that goes my fingers will start to go down and to be honest there are a lot of people on here who have worse injuries than me, take care and thank you, by the way I'm from England 

in reply to Tricialuty

Hi Tricia Sorry to hear about your shoulder. As Mall said I would get the swelling checked out. I also had alot of swelling but, after asking and being examined,  was told it was normal for fluid to collect. I still have a bruise on my elbow after 15 months and my wrist and fingers can swell but who knows what is due to ra or the the fracture. Please try to be patient as I was told that shoulder fractures are very painful and very slow to heal and can take 12-18 months. Physio is also painful but worthwhile and I urge you to do as they ask so that you get the best outcome. Like Mall, I still have pain every day but you learn  to get on with things. If you have the opportunity you should have hydrotherapy as I found that very beneficial. You must be patient. You'll learn to adapt. It also started a flare for me from which I'm struggling to recover. Just work with the professionals, doing as they ask. Feel free to ask any questions and I wish you all the best. Linda

Tricialuty profile image
Tricialuty in reply to

Thank you so much for replying,patience was never my thing but it's good to know there's not only me with the finger swelling it's just that on all the forums I've been on no-one seems to have it I'll just keep doing the exercises thank you once again.

in reply to Tricialuty

Remember  that we are all different but I would ask a medical professorial about the swelling for peace of mind. Good luck with your recovery. Linda

in reply to

That should say professional! Predictive text!

Tricialuty profile image
Tricialuty in reply to

I will, thank you x

Anna53 profile image

Wonderful news Mall, pleased to hear your getting the right pain relief. It's a long road to recovery for us. keep up the good work you will be driving in no time. (For me it was 10 weeks before being able to drive)

Happy Easter xxx

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