I hurt. Knees, hands, wrists, elbows, ankles and feet. Whose ruddy Idea was this, anyway? About a month to go until my next rheumy appointment, and my gp gave me a prescription for Emtec to tide me over till then. I'm good when the weather is stable, but I live near a very large lake, so weather isn't often stable for long. It gets hard to tell whether I'm tired from the RA or just tired OF it. I called the rheumy's office yesterday, just frankly frantic for some kind of relief. Her nurse asked if my joints were swollen and red, but they're more swollen and sort of bruise-coloured.I keep hoping there's been some terrible mistake and I'm not really feeling how I feel. Yup, it sounds a little crazy.
Deep breath, big sigh, pet the cat, get on with the day.