When will I learn that flare ups can happen what ever drugs you are on! I had a tumble on Friday and on Saturday had a very painful hand, my daughter took me to A n E as I thought I'd broken my wrist. I had been put on extra medication so thought it couldn't be RA!!!! Had x-rays and told to attend fracture clinic. I now think it was just RA!!! as pain and swelling have gone down what a fool I feel!!
When will I learn: When will I learn that flare ups can... - NRAS
When will I learn

No, not a fool! It's always best to get a tumble no matter how heavy it is if you have specific pain afterwards, even If it means a good few hours at A&E. It could have been more serious & left untreated may have caused no end of trouble in the future if you have or develop OA.
Hope it's less sore today.
Thanks a lot better today off to fracture clinic tomorrow!
Hope nothing's damaged but let us know how it goes.
They can see hairline fracture but no plaster thank goodness, just got to wear brace. Thanks for concern. I love nomoreheels as I feel the same! but will be wearing them at my daughters wedding(for a short time) !!
That's good news. The only thing I would think, possibly they told you, but be aware if you get increased pain if you knock it or fall on it again as it may now be a weak point & could be subject to fracture if you fall on it again. I don't know if you've had oral steroids of injections but that can of course affect our bone density & so propensity to fractures. Equally if you have osteoporosis.
I so miss heels, especially when poshed up! I wore some slightly higher wedges at a party last weekend & as usual had to sit before too long & released my feet from them. Three of my friends joined me within minutes & I looked down & they'd all done exactly the same!!
I hope you have a lovely day for your daughter's wedding. Is it soon?
I've got osteoporosis that's why my daughter to a n e and he said to day my bones are very fragile oh the joys!!! My daughter gets married in about 6 weeks and we are off to hen party Saturday a spar day. I miss my heels and cant get rid of them I just look at them now and wear them for special occasions when I can sit down and then take them off. Thanks for your support.
Are you prescribed anything to help preserve your bone density? I'm osteopenic borderline osteoporotic & just started risendronate 3 weeks ago (replaced alendronic acid which I started a reaction to) & take Adcal-D3 daily.
The wedding's not long off then. I hope you have a lovely spa day & your heels are comfy for long enough on the day itself! I've kept some of my faves in the hope that one day.......! Miracles do happen!