I have RA and had a steroid injection into my shoulder over a week ago, initially it was brill. But now it is really painful and I cannot move it, has anyone else had the same problem?? I'm getting a bit desperate and can't sleep because of the pain despite painkillers !
Unbearable shoulder pain: I have RA and had a steroid... - NRAS
Unbearable shoulder pain

Hi I get terrible pain in my shoulder at times with my RA but you should not be having that so soon after the injection. If it's the same pain as before then the injection hasn't worked! I would contact your gp or Rheumy asap. Hope you manage to sort it quickly. Take care x
I hope you get to the doctors today, that sounds so painful xx
hi, ive had problems with my shoulder for a long time. After numerous steroid injections and physiotherapy, my consultant ordered an x-ray last year and it turned out i had a lot of calcium in the joint so i was referred to x-ray dept for ultrasound guided barbotage which is basically a needle inside my shoulder via ultrasound to try and move some of the calcium. That was in June last year and ive had to have it again as the symptoms returned. The radiologist suggested there may be something else going on i.e. damaged tendon.
It may be worth getting the shoulder x-rayed or MRI to rule out anything else going on. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi ctfirefly, Like yourself I had this for 2 years 3 years ago first of all it was a calcium deposit and went through the injected scenario treatment and all the way i was told to try and move my arm so the shoulder would not stiffen up, the following year after more pain and scans ect someone decided it was a frozen shoulder and the treatment for this is not to move my shoulder after a year of constant agony 6 weeks later I had a air injection into the shoulder arm joint and it was instant releif, Further down the line I was told this could have been my RA which i did not get till last January,Good luck Mattcass
I've had shoulder pain on my right side for a little over a month now. It has become so bad I'm not sleeping either it's a constant dull pain, though hurts when I lay certain ways or try to raise my arm even to pull my arm back behind me. I have RA as well, I haven't seen my RA(I see her every 6 weeks) so I'll mention it. Wondering if I should go to an orthopedic? I'm sorry to hear your in pain, keep me updated.
i found the injection in the shoulder helped for a while, i am afraid if its a frozen type shoulder it may return, best thing is to do some activity once the shoulder is injected help to build it up (kind of worked for me)
Hello Maeruby 1
I have had the same problem over the past few months, It is so very painful and I have had many disturbed sleepless nights, like you. Both my shoulders are affected, but the right one is worse so I had a steroid injection in it and though it has not cleared up completely, it is more bearable.
I am finding that carrying something heavy like a shopping bag, doing the ironing or cleaning the oven (not that I do it that often) aggravates it. I am seeing my rheumy consultant at the end of this month when I can ask his advice.
Mattcass, I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having this problem for such a long time with no satisfactory answers until the air injection. I'm enthusiastic to know exactly what an air injection is ??
Anyway, it always helps to talk to people who have the same problems, at least we are not alone with it. Best wishes to all, June xx
I have pain in both shoulders. When it first happened I ended up in A&E because I couldn't move my arm. Since then I've had steroid injections and thankfully it's bearable at the moment. I'm hoping when my meds are established the pain will improve greatly. It is due to pressure on the nerve.
At night I use a V shaped support pillow which seems to give me more relief.
I hope you find a solution soon perhaps you need a larger dose of the steroid Take care Sue. X
Hi You have my total sympathy, I have had many problems with both my shoulders and the pain is so excrutiating it makes you feel sick. In 1 year I had 12 frozen shoulders and have had both shoulders injected many times which gave some relief. I found heat packs helped ease things a bit and getting a hot shower with the water directed onto the affected joint helped too. I have not had any major problems for 18 months now following physiotherapy and exercises to strengthen the joints and ligaments, I was fortunate to access this through occupational health at work. I also found that when I started to feel the first ache and stiffness in the joint if I concentrated on trying to keep the joint mobile and working through the pain the joint did not get as stiff and the problem did not become as bad or as painful.
Hoping this may help and that you get some relief and sleep soon
thinking of you crisxx
Hi Maeruby1. I have been suffering with my shoulder for 2yrs now. I have had at least 4-5 injections scan & mri. I have tendonitis, impingement & my A C joint is starting to wear away. Like you i would feel ok for a few days after injections then the pain & discomfort would come back even worse than before. I am under oarthapedics & i told them no more injections so what are they going to do. I am on the waiting list for opp, but they have told me they cant guarentee it will work & it could make it worse. I am on gabapentin & tramadol for the pain i also use deep heat. Hope you get sorted out very soon. Alison xx
hi, Priscille here. I have calcitic tendonitis and pinched tendon in the right shoulder. I've had US guided steroid injections + barbotage recently. After a week when it got worse, it felt so much better ... but after another week or so, it's back to square one, which is SO disappointing; I too find it really hard to sleep, and it's so painful all the time. I so don't want to be on strong painkillers ...
Hi, I'm due to get barbotage procedure carried out on my right shoulder in 2 weeks time and have my name on the waiting list for keyhole surgery. Was the barbotage very painful to have done? I've read mixed reviews on whether it works or not?
My Mom finally had a total shoulder replacement due to RA damage. She has been pain free since. I would get x-rays and/or an MRI to access the damage. Especially if the steroid shot isn't working. Hope you find relief!