Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my post 6 days ago, just having someone to hear me was a blessing on it's own. I managed to get to hospital 4 days ago and saw a doctor who was shocked that the inflammation level was very high in the blood tests they just done. 164.2, where as normal level would be 0 to 5.
I was told the uric acid level was normal.
I was given steroid paid killers injection and antibiotics via intravenous and medicine to take home.
I had more blood tests today and the inflammation level was at 40, a huge drop from 164, the seem to very pleased that the swelling had gone down considerably and not much pain just uncomfortable.
When I asked what was course of the problem, the reply was..I don't know.
I feel a bit disappointed that know what problem is but there's not much more I can do..other then take medications.